chapter 1: the beginning

Start from the beginning

later that day Lady had been standing over her father's corps, 4 bullets in him, her nightmare was finally over, arkham was dead, she looked up at the darkened sky, it was still raining, she sighed as tears pricked the sides of her eyes, "damn it, i swore i would not cry", she mumbled to herself, she had wondered if that man she met earlier had finished his quest, she was deep in thought when she heard what sounded like stone scrapping against stone, she turned to see a new passage way had opened up, then she heard faint sobbing sounds, she ventured forth untill she got to a staircase and she followed the sounds as they got louder down the stairs to a large room, in the room was a single, large, round bed and on that bed was a baby, only 6 months old curled up with a panda stufftie crying her little eyes out, lady was shocked and looked around the empty room some, "hay there little one, were is your mommy and daddy?", Illia stopped crying as she focused her attention onto the new person in the room, there was silence before babbling coming from the child, lady had no idea what to do with a child, were could the child's parents be? were they dead? was she an orphan? lady then noticed the child holding up her arms, a signal to be picked up, lady sighed then picked up the child who quickly curled up in her arms still holding onto the panda stufftie, lady had looked over the baby and as far as she could tell, the child was unharmed, she staired down at the now sleeping baby in her arms and she could not help but to notice something odd about the baby, the silver seemed so familiar to her, she was in deep thought again at what happened earlier, "Oh, one more thing-" Dante turned to look over his shoulder at Lady, her weapon she had allowed him to borrow, Kalina Ann, resting comfortably on the opposite side. His eyes were set, holding so much more seriousness than any of their previous interactions before, the light, carefree nature hidden within all but vanishing in that one moment of time. "They took something from me, something I can't live without. If you find it, keep it safe for me." He turned and continued on his way for possibly the final battle that would determine the fate of the world. Though she didn't quite understand what he meant or what exactly he was talking about, she owed him that much to at least attempt to find whatever it was that had been stolen, She would have been a fool not to try. was this child what he was looking for? she held the child close to her before heading out.

Dante was in the midst of fighting off Vergil, swords clashing and sparks flying through the air like lightning striking the night sky. He had not wanted things to come to this, yet in the end, he had expected it. Despite the outcome, Vergil was still family, still his brother, It was pointless, however, to make him see reason when he was so hell-bent on his own idea of power, "Why did you take her away from me when you could have easily gotten my attention?" Dante asked after a brief separation from steel against steel. "Seems a little below you, even for your standards", he huffed a bit taking in deep breaths, Vergil paused for a moment himself, twisting his sword within his grasp for a few moments before darting forward once more with intent to kill, "Nothing is below a man seeking power", More clashing of swords, even more sparks lighting the darkness around them. Vergil was becoming slower, and it was easy to tell that he wouldn't be able to hold up much longer, Dante was faring a little better, but he, too, was becoming tired. The next blow would be the final blow, "You know, you were always the smarter one of us both, you always had that "holier-than-thou" complex that just really pissed me off, Why the hell were you so envious of me? No...why are you still?!" Vergil panted heavily from a distance away, eyes narrowed and casting a venomous glare toward his twin counterpart, "I never could understand you, Dante, No brains, but always well-liked by many, No need for power, yet stronger than ever, It unnerved me, not understanding how you were possibly better than me. It wasn't until recently that I finally understood, why you could have something i never could have, a family, people who love and care for you, children and a loving wife", Dante was a bit confused but understood what his brother was getting at, he was envious of him, then with out warning vergil charged at Dante with his sword ready to strike and just like that, one quick strike with his sword at his brother, vergil was deffeated, Dante's will was strong enough to overcome the power his brother possessed and still continued to seek, all because he had set out to this place for one purpose, to find his child, his daughter, oh and to stop his brother from destroying the world he intends to raise his kids in, "You...always had what I never could have. Strength beyond power, awareness beyond seems, in this instance, you were more powerful than I", Vergil said well holding his hurt arm, The portal was closing from above, the area around them crumbling from the closing of the gates, Vergil clutched at the amulet around his neck, the one their mother had given to each of them so many years ago, he then spoke again saying: "No one can have this, Dante... It's mine, It belongs to a son of Sparda. Leave me and go, if you don't want to be trapped into the demon world, I'm staying, This place was our father's home, your daughters both will have no place or sense of purpose with her father here", Dante looked at his twin brother, he was saddened by the choice his brother was making but he was right, Dante could not let his children grow up with out him being there for them, Dante knew he could not change his brother's mind, so he left before the portal could close hoping one day to see his brother again, a few moments later he emerged from the rather large building looking very warn out and he heard a familiar voice say: "I need that back", he looked over at lady, who was pointing to the rather large rocked launcher dante was holding, his eyes landed on the one thing he cared about, the baby girl who was fast asleep cuddling the panda stufftie, Dante leaned against the large weapon resting upright on the ground, a small smile playing at his lips before saying: "Tell you what, I'll trade you for that bundle of joy you've got there", lady looked down at the sleeping child and smiled some before looking back at Dante and said: "you've got yourself a deal", once lady handed the sleeping baby over to dante, illia woke up with a small, cute, yawn before loudly squeeling saying: "da' da'", dante smiled more as he hold her close to him in a semi-tight hold, for a few minutes as the small child wiggled and whined some being squished, Dante had looked down at illia with a smile and kind eyes, she stopped wiggling so much and smiled back at him with a very wide smile followed by a few giggles only a baby could make, Dante then looked over the child a few times to see if she was hurt before he heard lady say: "she's fine, not a single scratch on her", dante then looked over at lady and said: "good, otherwise her mother would surley kill me", lady let out a small laugh at that, a bit bummed that the child indeed had a mother, that dante was with someone, makes sense though, he is good looking, Dante thought about his brother, Vergil, he could have done anything to illia, could have killed her or fed her to demons, but no, he hid the child away out of harms way, safe and protected, maybe there was some part of him that was not so cold-blooded? dante was snapped out of his thoughts hearing lady say: "are you crying?", "It's only the rain," Dante responded, fully aware of the tears falling down his face, He was happy, and he was upset, two conflicting feelings that were wreaking havoc on his emotional state, Lady looked up and around the area they had found themselves in, It was wet in some areas, if not a bit dusty from the rubble, and water was standing in puddles here and there, but it was no longer storming as it had been, she looked at him with her arms crossed saying: "but the rain stopped a while ago", Dante smiled sadly at Lady as he said: "Devils never cry", Lady looked at Dante before saying: "i see", a bit of a sad tone in her voice, Illia had reached up and tugged at a few strands of Dante's silver hair a few times as he smiled down at her, this child was his everything, along side his wife and oldest daughter, illia had switched from playing with dante's hair to grabbing and stuffing half the amulet he had on into her mouth, it was very cute to see, Dante and Lady both laughed a little at that, "Maybe somewhere out there even a devil may cry when he loses a loved one, or when he finds another. Don't you think?", lady had said gaining dante's attention slightly and he sighed some as he held illia in his arms and nodded some saying: "ya.....maybe", this was what his brother was talking about, something he could never have, a perpose in life, a family to care for, Dante felt like the luckiest man on earth, having a smoken hot wife to love him and 2 absolutly beautiful daughters to look after, what more could he ask for? his brother wanted to know what makes dante stronger? easy, his family, he thrives to be stronger to protect the ones he loves even if it meant giving his own life for theres, lady waved at dante saying: "well see ya", and with that she left, were too? who knows, Dante was just glad that he could return home with his youngest daughter curled up in his arms, once he returned home, Christina had all but ran up to Dante and kissed him before taking the small child from him, more than happy to see them both, brittni being only 5 years old hugged her father's leg tightly, this made dante chuckle some before bending down and picking up brittni and holding her tightly as he said: "how's daddy's little angel?", brittni smiled widely as she proceeded to tell her father everything that happened well he was gone, mostly of her mom barring the windows and doors up then turning on disney movies a bit too loudly to not hear what was going on outside, Dante was happy to hear that his loving wife was doing her best to sheild the child from the horrors of the outside world until he got back, he would hug his wife and children tightly feeling like the luckiest man alive, 5 years later Brittni was now 10 and Illia was 5, life was good, well except the fact that some jackass tried to bring the demon realm to earth again but like always, dante was there to stop him..........

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