Chapter 3

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Stars P O V

I exited out of the school with Gwen.As soon as we walked off the grass part Miles greeted us.
"Hey Gwen." He smirked at me. "Hey shortie" I was about to reply with a "Hello" but stopped.I realised what he said.
Then i tackled him.
I flipped him over on the floor,put my foot on his back and then said "Who's short now" I said a little too proud.
He got up. "Still you" he chuckled.
"Aw man"
"Me and Miles gotta go."Gwen said.
Then i looked at ny watch.Oh shit.
They are gonna attack any moment now.
I said i gotta go too and sprinted into an alleyway.
Transforming into Spider Velvet.
(Just different shots of Spider Velvet from differnt ways)

(Just different shots of Spider Velvet from differnt ways)

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I felt so free.Away from responsibilities.You see this might sound cringey because im like a supehero and a p-
Wait!The villan

After defeating

Sooo..What was i gonna say?Prob doesnt matter though.
I was gonna head back to my dorm but i left something in my house.
It'll be quick
I went on my roof when some one grabbed my arm.
I was about to say "what" when i realized it was another Spiderman.
Shit.Im caught.
I made a voice of a boy since i didnt want any suspicions of me.
He wouldn't let me go then we had a kind of argument.
Then guess what?
He tried to lift off my mask.
Luckily,i slipped away.Then he swung his foot under mine tripping me,then he flipped me over so i was upside down.
Then he freaking took off my mask.

Then he looked shocked.
"S-" He stopped himself.
Oh no..this is bad.Really bad..

𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐤 || 𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹𝗲𝘀Where stories live. Discover now