🀅Chapter 1: The Cursed Child And The Blessed Child🀅

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{Sengoku Era}

The once sunny summer blue sky was now covered by stormy clouds that raged with thunder and lighting. All you can hear was the pounding of the rain against the now muddy roads but in a Fortress alongside the mountains, there was a noise that was not caused by the rain nor thunder. Expect it was a woman howling in pain and it wasn't just any pain. The screams implied that she was in labor. The woman was laying on her back with a futon under her so she wouldn't be in any discomfort. Her face was scrunched up in pain as her hands were clenching against the midwife's hands. "Just wait a little while longer, my lady. My lady, be strong your child will be here any minute now." The midwife speaking in comforting words to the soon to be a mother. The woman turned her head to the right to see the statue of the Goddess of Mercy. She would pray to it night and day for her unborn child to be healthy and safe for when it comes into the world. Even now she continues to pray with all her might that the child will live after this. Outside of the birthing chamber, a middle-aged man was sitting outside of the building waiting, but not for the birth of his child.

No, he was waiting for something else........

Something more dangerous.......

Something more sinister to happen.....


It was another storm that would surely cause another flood again but suddenly a man appeared and he was riding on horseback. He passed over the dead bodies that littered on the fields and persevered through the harsh conditions. The man looked as if he was possessed as he continued to race against the wind and rain. Once he got to the stairs of his destination the man jumped off his horse and then climbed up the stairs as if his life depended on it.

As soon as he made it to the top the man ran passed an old temple to find an old building that looked like it hasn't been used in decades. In front on the entrance, there was a sign that said 'Hall of Hell'. However, the man noticed something off about the building he was able to see a light coming from the doorway that meant someone is already inside. The man pushed through the giant doors of the Hall of Hell and entered in. Once he was inside the man saw an elderly priest sitting in front of twelve statues of terrifying demons. "Sir Daigo? One who steps into the Hall of Hell has made a choice. To cast away Buddha and the Gods in favor of the Demons." Daigo refused to even look at the old priest because that is exactly what he is about to do. " I see it is futile to try and stop you. But hear me one last time." The old priest turns around with his hands on his knees almost in a pleading manner. "Sir Daigo, to cast off Buddha is to tread the path of evil. It is to no longer to be human. If you cross this line, hell will surely await you." The old priest explained but it proved nothing to his lord.

"Priest, we are already living in hell. The holy path to Buddha that you pray for exists nowhere.' Daigo said dryly not even caring if it was disrespectful. The old priest was not pleased with his Lord's resolve. The Lord he had served for many years was about to walk the path of darkness that will surely consume his soul. "You will pay the consequences." The Priest said to the lord but the man held no emotions on his face. "I care not." Daigo stated before the Priest shot up from his position to reach for one of the candles that were lite. Just as the Priest was about to set the statues on fire with the candle Daigo reached for his sword and slashed at the old man's back leaving a fatal wound on the Priest. The Priest's blood splattered all over the Demon statues to show that Daigo had finally strayed from the path of Buddha. The old Priest dropped to the floor in pain and the candle that was in his hand burnt out. The Priest's breathing was beginning to short as his blood was starting to spill from the wound. He let out a low chuckle at his Lord's actions, he had finally become a Demon himself and now the prophecy of the old can now begin. "I thank you, Sir. This will be my salvation and my moment to know I've fulfilled my duty. This world is indeed Hell just as you said. The prayers I offered seemed more and more pointless. I always feared that someday I would begin to doubt Buddha and the prophecy. But after this, I'm glad to know that the promise of a brighter future will come through I am saddened that the evil that would come to the land had to be you, Sir Daigo." The Priest said with his last dying breath.

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