[ level five. ]

30 1 2

november twenty-first, twenty-eighteen


i wake up.

wait... what happened..?






where are you guys now..? with my luck, they're probably dead.

where am i?

i look around and all i see is a desert. just a desert.

i recall that the hurricane looked like a sandstorm.

i look to my side and see a... ukulele..?

when we went on the trip, Mom said that i shouldn't bring it since it would take up room.

it was beautiful.

it was a concert ukulele, and it was the shape of a circle. it had two little holes in the middle shaped like two halves of a broken heart. on the top corners of the circle were two small angel wings. The very top of it was a blood red that faded into the natural brown of the wood.

i pick it up and start walking.

[ two hours later... ]

i walked and walked... and walked. i'm in such a bad mood... not like that matters since no one is here to listen.

why is this happening to me? everyone disappearing, the city turning into a desert, it's all so strange. it's like someone is mocking me...

"hello? anybody? anyone! PLEASE!" i desperately scream, knees giving out as tears stream down my face.

after a few minutes of crying on the desert sand, i hear something.


oh my god... is that... Tulip?

"TULIP?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" i yell back.

after a few minutes of silence, i hear quiet footsteps.

"turn around."

i turn my head and see everyone. Bee, Tulip, Lonnie, and Mom.

"guys!" i say almost tackling them. they're all there there. they're safe. thank Zylina.

Zylina? why did i think of her? she's just a silly little character from the stories Mom told me when i was young.

i decide that i'm just tired and ignore it.

i then realize that they have everything. all of their supplies and bags. i point to it curiously waiting for an explanation.

they start to explain that they woke up the same way i did, but all of the supplies were perfectly intact. weird...

in the same manner i did, they point to my ukulele, as i start to give them an explanation.

we all turn to the path ahead of us in unison. we then look at each other and know what is coming. we all stand up and start to walk.

i pause and look around. i look at the sky, which is a beautiful blue. at least the sky is normal. we need to find everyone. we need to survive. we got this far. we can't just give up now...

i look forward into the unknown with newfound motivation and walk.

[ level complete.]

[ typing... ]

[ end of level message. open message? ]

-> [ yes. ]

[ no. ]

[ new message: this is going to be very, very, interesting... ]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2019 ⏰

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