Chapter Two - There Is No Such Thing As Love At First Sight

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"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are, and change the ending"  -- C.S. Lewis


Valora's POV

"Can I go now? Please? It's been like," Macaroni Hair checked his watch, "5 minutes!" he whined.

Evie rolled her eyes. "Nuh-uh Mr. It's been like 5 minutes, you ain't going anywhere until I get all the information I need. Every single one."

Oh boy. This might take a while. I sighed and leaned my head on hands as I listened to Evelyn interrogate this guy who ate my pretzels. I kinda feel bad for him, even though he ate my pretzels without asking. But I mean, even if he did ask, I wouldn't have let him.. Wait that's not the point!

I would've told you exactly what Evelyn was asking Macaroni Hair and stuff, but it's all just repeated and really unneeded. And just really, really stupid overall.

Evie slammed her hands on the table, causing Macaroni Hair to flinch, and for other people in the cafe to look at us weirdly. I waved awkwardly in embarassment and shrunk in my seat.

"You really aren't going to explain yourself? Not even mentioning your name?" 

He just shrugged. "Well, I don't even know why it was a big deal for you to question me when all I did was pickup Dreamer Girl's pretzel stick from the ground. I don't even know you people."

Evie sighed. "Which is exactly why I'm questioning you on why you suddenly decide to sit next to Valora over here! Pretending that you were old friends or something."

Macaroni Hair held his hands up in defense. "Okay I'm sorry. Now that I think of it, I don't know myself why I decided to sit and chit-chat with what's her name again? Oh right, Val- Valerie? Val- Vali-"

"It's Valora, thank you very much," I cut him off.

He scratched his chin for a bit. "Nah, Dreamer Girl sounds much better."

"Oh my lord.." I sighed.

Evie cleared her throat and began, "Well then that's stupid of you to do. You're basically a stranger then. Casually sitting next to my nice but idiotic," she looked at me and smirked, "best friend! That's just insane. And to say that you have no idea why you did it is even more insane."

Macaroni Hair sighed. "Look, I'm sorry for talking to your friend here without even knowing her okay? I guess I was just trying to be friendly or something. And.." he trailed off.

"And?" I pressed.

"I uh.." he shifted his gaze away, not knowing what to say. He probably realized that he made a big mistake. And well, he did. Because now, I will not stop questioning his intentions. Not after that dramatic pause!

I crossed my arms. "Hey. You came and talked to me even if we were strangers and did not know each other, until you bumped into me and made me drop my pretzel stick. The least you could do is tell me why you did it."

"Okay fine. It's just- Well, you, Valora, just seemed like a good person to talk to. And a good person I'd like to be friends with.." he blushed.

Before I could say anything back to the guy, Evie abruptly pulled me up from my chair and across the the cafe where Macaroni Hair couldn't hear. We both turned away from his direction.

Evie squealed. "Awwww! Now that was cute! Hm, would you think it's..." she smirked, "love at first sight?"

I slapped her on the arm. "Evie! You're being so stupid right now! There is no such thing as 'love at first sight!'"

She smirked. "Or is there? Stranger guy maybe just let it slip that he might like you!"

"Oh come on, you're being delusional again, Evie! All he said was that I seemed like a person he would like to be friends with! How did you get, 'OMG I'm so in love with Valora and she is the prettiest and most wonderful person on Earth! Oh how could I ever live without her! This is really love at first sight! Oh my oh my!' from that?" I fainted sarcastically.

Evie pouted and crossed her arms. "Hey, it's not my problem that you'll never have a boyfriend in your life, and that I'm just trying to be a good friend and play match maker!"

"Hey! You're mean!" I grumbled.

"I'm just stating facts sweetheart. Truth hurts doesn't it?" she smirked.

"Hmph. I thought you were my friend." I crossed my arms.

"And I thought you were likeable," Evie shot back.

Again ladies and gentlemen. Damn, Evelyn. Damn.

Evie laughed. "Why don't we walk back and ask Stranger Guy his opinion and see who is corre-" 

We both paused as we turned to where Macaroni Hair once was sitting.

I looked around, confused. "Wait, where did Macaroni Hair go?"


Dan dan dannnnnn! Eyyyy! Second chapter done! And in just two days too! Amazing am I right? 

Anywaysss. I hoped that you enjoyed this chapter! Its a bit shorter than the first chapter, but eh, that's fine.

Okay, bye I'll go work on the next chapter now!


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