ꫂ markhyuck: three

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Donghyuck sat down quietly as he waited for his company to arrive

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Donghyuck sat down quietly as he waited for his company to arrive. They were currently at an ice cream parlor which somehow made Donghyuck's heart go soft. The two of them weren't as close, it's a surprise that Mark knew that his comfort food was ice cream.

Either it was such a common snack to cope, or there was some invisible string attached between them. However, Donghyuck became too numbed to believe in love. He just thought that ice cream was a common coping mechanism and didn't put any meaning attached to it.

"What's that?" Donghyuck had to ask the most obvious question when his company arrived with two cups.

"Ice cream, dumbass." Being mean with his tone, Mark placed the cup down the table and gave it to him.

Donghyuck's ears perked up at the name he was called. Trying to keep his cool, he decided to shrug it off and eat his ice cream instead. However, upon getting a spoonful of it, the flavor caught his attention.

He never told Mark about what flavor he liked. How was he able to guess that Donghyuck's favorite was chocolate chip with caramel drizzle and M&M's toppings?

Way too specific— but Donghyuck once more managed to gaslight himself that it is just another common ice cream favorite.

"Is there something on your ice cream, Dongfuck?" Mark asked, teasing him with a name.

Alright, Donghyuck had enough of those names. "We really need to introduce ourselves again."

While eating his watermelon flavored ice cream, Mark raised a brow at him. "What?"

"My name is Lee Donghyuck. Repeat it with me, Lee Donghyuck." He then began, sounding upset with the tone of his voice.

Mark only gave him a smirk, not following his instructions in repeating it. He just stared at him with admiration in his eyes. "Okay?"

"Not idiot, not dumbass, and especially not your all-time favorite, Dongfuck." The frustrated male started to list down the names he was always called. "Lee Donghyuck. I am Donghyuck."

Even if he keeps on repeating it billions of times, Mark will still do anything as long as it will annoy the life out of him. "Whatever you say, Sunshine."

"There you go again! Marco, repeat after me, Dong Hyuck." However, Donghyuck paused at a certain word he had heard. "Sunshine?"

Meanwhile, Mark also caught his name being said wrong. Either he was getting away with the fact that he called the other male the sweetest nickname, or his mispronounced name genuinely caught the attention. "Marco?"

Thinking of getting back at him, Donghyuck placed his cup down and folded his arms across his chest with a smile of victory. "Alright, then. To be fair, I will also call you names, Mario."

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