Mating season pt 2

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Lucy's POV
Today is July 17 it mating season again
I asked the girls who there mates are
Then all us female ran into Levy's house and lock the door and windows

Cobra POV
I can smell the girls I yelled
Ga: nice is levy there
All the girls are there I yelled back
I then smelled again and kicked down Lucy's door them found some of there blood on the floor
Gr: they did this to destrate us
At Levy's house I screamed
Gajeel than ran to Levy's
Shrimp~ he said to levy
The girls got and ran out of the window levy got caught by Gajeel
The girls: LEVY
L: run guys 
They than jumped out of the window and then ran
Ga: leave NOW
We than ran after the girls.
Lucy's POV
We then ran to julvias house and all lock everything then 1:58 the guys busted in we then ran to the bathroom and locked the door julvia got taken by gray and he rushed her into the room we then got out of the house then Wendy's she got capture then Ezra Mira and the rest then me running to the alleyway then hear them say come out come out wherever you lu~ I then I see midnight he screamed I found her I than ran to the guild and saw yukino hiding I then said yukino come she looked at me with happiness and we ran to the s-class floor then we his there until 3:00am then we hear a crash
Cobra POV
I sniff the air I smell.....................................Yukino
I contact sting to come to fairy tail he came rushing in
St: what
I smell yukino
St: where
Come midnight said we rushed in they were in a corner but we couldn't see them I sniff the air again but nothing when we don't find our mate tonight it go on till we find them I said. I sniff the air again then I smell Yukino and Lucy I pointed to the corner they were hiding all three of us walked there sting snatched yukino then we see Lucy  shocked we grabbed her and took her to her home we undress her it was 7:30am and then I woke up to see Lucy naked and midnight hugging her I woke up midnight and then we got nose bleeds Lucy woke up and got up and and snatched the blanket luckily we had boxer on she went to the bathrooms and took a shower then we got a little peek at her then we were ready and she dressed her  usually wears so we walked to the guild to see Lucy collapse then everyone gathered around WENDY me and midnight scream she runs over and she looks at her neck she then looked at natsu then she  transformed to her dragon move thing wind dragon roar she roared it hit natsu hard then she falls to her knees s-s,-she got poisoned by natsu we looked at natsu what she weak and she wouldn't be my mate then me midnight and Wendy went to the infirmary Wendy was healing her she started to open her eyes then we see a injured gray and Ezra they said get Lucy to sabertooth now

Stings pov I was Charing with yukino till I see midnight and Wendy and cobra and to my surprised I see Lucy injured we got minvera and she started to heal her then Lucy woke up but she couldn't get up on her own.

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