→ Newt- Nice to See ya, But I'm Not Her ←

Começar do início

Once it was opened, I made a run for it.

~end of flashback~

I grabbed a picture of my sister and I when we were 2 years younger from my pocket. Looking at it, this made me tear up, "I miss you Hedwig," I whispered to myself as if she's with me physically.

"People, in the mountains? Mountain people? That's your plan?" Suddenly, I hear an accented voice. It seems familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. I grabbed the revolver next to me and get down the ground floor-yes I live in an abandoned mall-and approached the light that appeared on my sight.

They were so occupied to their conversation that they don't know I'm there. I lifted my revolver up and cocked it. And that's when I got their attention. "Who the hell are you?" I asked. The group turned to me and stared at with their eyes filled with shock.

"Hedwig?" The brunette guy questioned. How did he know my sister's name?

Suddenly, A blonde haired boy rushes to me and squeezed me in a hug. "Hedwig.." He croaked. I didn't hug back and scrunched my face together. I looked at the others in the background. They really looked familiar. "Hedwig? Do you still remember me? It's me, Newt. I missed you so much.."

And that when it hit me. Its them. My sister's companion around the Glade. Newt, Thomas, Teresa, Minho, Frypan, Winston.. I don't know who's the younger kid though..

Newt Pulled away to see me having streaks of tears on my cheeks. "Why are you crying, love?" He obliviously wiped my tears away. He clearly thinks She's still alive..

"I'm sorry, You probably don't know me anymore," I wiped my nose and held up my hand, "Its Y/N. We were friends Back then before the maze. Its nice to see ya, but I'm not her." Their faces faltered, except for Teresa though, which is strange. I picked up some clothes that'll fit them, "Here, change your clothes if you want, then we'll talk later." I tossed the clothes to them. "Teresa," she turned to me, "c'mon, I'll let you change somewhere else." I gestured her to follow me.

I gestured her to follow me by the group of mannequins and let her change, "Okay, There are pairs of shoes there, pick one after you change your clothes." I said to her. I turned my back to her and sit down while I keep look outs for cranks. "Y/N," But then Teresa called me, "Yes?"

"Just so you know, I remember you.." I froze in place and looked at her. "You remember me?"

'Yes, and Hedwig," She added. She put on a shirt after she put on jeans. Then she hugged me. "i know what happened to Hedwig.." She stated. I can't help but hug back and sob silently all of a sudden. "I'm so sorry.." She cooed.

"I-Its fine.." I stuttered. "I just miss her is all.." I added.

"Everything alright there?" I hear newt ask. I pulled away and wiped my tears, "Ye-yeah. You done changing?"

"Yes I'm done." He answered as if I was really Hedwig.

"Alright," I stood up and walk around. "Now, time for questions.." I sighed as I twirl my revolver around and put it on my holster.

"First question, what are you doing here?" I started.

"We ran away from a department and we found this place," Minho answered clearly.

"Let me guess, WICKED?" I guessed and looked at them. They nodded, "How'd you know?" Thomas asked.

"I used to live there, but I made a run for it too," I can sense they are about to ask why, "Don't you bloody dare ask why I ran away, its none of your business." I looked at them sternly as they closed their mouths.

T. B. Sangster Imagines [REQUESTS CLOSED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora