Chapter 7

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Louis’ POV

Cancer? What? I couldn’t even wrap my mind around it. I guess things made sense, that’s why she was sick, and that’s why Melissa was so protective of her, but I still couldn’t believe it. It must all be some sick joke.

“What?” I said. “That’s not possible! You’re so young. You’re perfect, Hailey, come on, be serious, please,” I begged, searching her eyes for something to give me hope, but they were serious.

“I found out a year and a half ago,” she started. “I went through three chemo treatments, but none of them worked. That’s why Melissa and I are here at the beach. To have a fun last summer together before-“

“Don’t say that,” I cut her off, not physically able to hear her finish that sentence. “Hailey,” I took her shaking hand and held it tightly. “Listen, we’re going to get through this. Together, I promise,” I said. I didn’t know how, but I was determined to get her through this.

She just shook her head. “You don’t understand,” she started, and she sounded angry. “This is all your fault!” she shouted. “Louis, I was okay! I accepted everything. I accepted, three separate times that the chemo didn’t work. I accepted that this was going to kill me! Everything was fine, I was enjoying every minute of life that I had. And then YOU came along!” She was yelling, with tears pouring down her face now. “I met you and then everything changed! Now, I don’t know what to think. I’m scared. For the first time since I found out I had cancer, Louis, I’m scared.”

I didn’t know what to say, do or think, so I just held her there, in my arms as she cried. She pulled away, and I didn’t realize that I had been crying, until she looked up at me and wiped away a few stray tears.

“Louis,” she whispered, “I fell in love with you the minute I saw you on the beach. I tried to ignore it, because I didn’t want to end up hurt, or worse, hurting you. But everyday that we’ve spent together, just confirms my feelings. I’m so scared. I’m scared to be without you,” she said as tears came to her eyes again. I didn’t know what to do, so I kissed her. I put my hand and the crook of her neck and pressed her lips to mine. The feeling was more than I had ever dreamed of. There were fireworks, like I had never felt. I was worried she would pull away, but instead, she kissed me back. I felt the tears fall from her eyes, as I kissed her softly, and I wiped them away with my thumbs, as I pulled away.

She laid her head against my chest, and I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her there. I was still in complete shock. I had come here for the summer, with my friends, and I ended up falling in love with a girl, who had cancer. How much more messed up could this get? The only thing I knew was I loved her, and I was going to do whatever it took to make sure she was okay.

She pulled away from my embrace, and pulled out her phone, and I watched her dial a number.

“Melissa? I told Louis… yeah…we’re at the beach. Will you please tell the rest of the boys for me? Before we get back to the house? I don’t think I can go through this again… Thanks. I love you too… Bye”

I still didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that the girl who stood in front of me, who was absolutely perfect, had cancer. She just looked at me.

“I’m sorry,” she finally whispered.

“For what?” I asked.

“Not telling you sooner… I kept telling myself when we first met, that I had to stay away from you. We couldn’t even be friends, because I knew I was falling for you, and that was so bad. But I just couldn’t stay away from you, no matter how hard I tried.”

“Hailey,” I started. I wanted to tell her how perfect she was to me, how we would get through this, but she cut me off.

“No, Louis, will you please promise me something?”

“Anything,” I said automatically.

“Lets continue to be friends this summer, we only have a few weeks left anyway. The seven of us can still hang out all the time, and have fun. But after that, you guys need to go back to London, and pick up with your careers again, and forget about us. Forget about me, please. It would be so much easier. Listen, I honestly don’t know what the hell you like about me, because to be honest, its taken a long time for me to like myself. But now that I know you’re this world-famous guy, who probably has millions of girls already in love with you, well, it makes this a little easier. Choose one of them, Lou. You’ll be happy, which would make me happy.”

“I can’t do that,” I said, unwilling to accept her words. “I don’t want any of those other girls. I don’t want anyone else. I want to be with you. I’m not going to give up on you. Hailey, I don’t think you understand the fact that I’m in love with you. I’d give up the world to you. Being with you these past two months has made me happier than I’ve ever been, which honestly, is saying something. I’ve had some great times with the boys and stuff, but nothing compared to this. You make me feel like I can do anything.”

She still looked sad, “Louis-“

Before she could start, I kissed her again. This time, I put all of my love, and every other emotion I was feeling, into it. She hesitated at first, but then she finally gave in. It was amazing. Her lips were made for mine. They fit together perfectly, and they were so soft. I wrapped one of my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me, and held her head close to mine, not ready to let go. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and ran one hand through my hair, giving me chills all over my body. Eventually, I had needed air. I reluctantly pulled away, and we were both panting. She looked up at me, so many emotions in her eyes. Love, fear, sadness, and so many other things I couldn’t read. I leaned down and gave her one more quick kiss on the lips, before I took her hand and started walking back to the beach house, ready to face the boys.

As we got closer, I could feel her shaking, so I rubbed her hand with my thumb and whispered, “its going to be alright,” though I knew the boys would all be as upset as I was. Hailey and Zayn had become absolute best friends, she and Harry had a weird brother/sister love/hate thing going on, Niall adored her and looked up to her like a big sister, and her and Liam were like twins, they were so much alike. I knew they would be devastated, and I was worried about how they would take it. Taking a deep breath, her and I walked in the front door, hand-in-hand.

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