Dying Confessions

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Dean lives to make Castiel
No established relationship
Dirty Talk

( Takes place at the end of season 9 )
Dean's dying and Castiel rushes to save him, When he finds the other Winchester, Dean refuses to let himself be healed and takes death as an opportunity to tell the angel how he feels.

After Sam's call from the impala as the boys were driving, Castiel did his little flap and hightailed it down there to give the boys backup with Metatron, with a flurry he appeared in the parking lot beside the boys beloved car.

The angel let out a sigh as he let a finger trace along the hood, before spotting Sam who was lying down in the rain, that's right it was raining, but Castiel barely noticed a change of the weather until now.

He felt his drenched coat with his palm and squeezed the inside as water seeped out like a wet sponge.

Castiel then runs across the lot to check on Sam. He feels his forehead but the man was knocked out cold. With that, he knew Dean was in there alone which caused Castiel to become distempered.

Castiel leaves the youngest Winchester behind and hastens his steps, rushing into the old rustic warehouse, thankfully it wasn't warded.

He hears a fight from around the corner, instinct makes him slide out his angel blade as he clamps his fist around the handle, atremble, following the voices of the two men who made the night far less silent.

He heard the Winchester gasp for air as what sounded like an object that was penetrating skin.

Castiel's voice started to shake and there's a lump in his throat he couldn't rid himself of.

He sought the Winchester out, apart from all the shipping equipment and cargo in his way.

There he saw the other Winchester, arms hang limp that attach to his shoulders, covered from head to toe in patches of blood, his face looks like it went a couple rounds with the end of a chopper.

The angel rushed over to Dean's side and cups his cheeks, pressing his palms and dragging the skin to face him, such a small voice emits from the seemingly large man below him.


The sound of Dean's tone, almost left unrecognizable by Castiel when he heard it, like the male was just repeatedly punched in the throat.

Dean was looking up at him with such sad eyes, his mouth hung open and mumbled incoherent sentences to the angel. Dean was left broken but a piece of him was happy that this would be the last face he'd get to see.

"You're wounded."

Castiel reached out his hand over the spot to try and heal his friend but Dean's heel pressed into Castiel's leg to push him further away.

Dean reaches up and grips the angel's wrists with his bloody knuckles, then there's a whimper that was forced out when he adjusts his back against the wall.

The cut was deep and blood was seeping from both sides of his shirt but he couldn't be bothered to care.

"Dean, let me heal you." Castiel growls and tries to wiggle his wrist out of the brunets grip, practically flinging his hand. "Dean." Castiel retorts.

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