The King's Prophecy

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From the star's first fall, from the dark's first rise

He stood upon the fiery throne, so soon to know, the truth inside its lies

In came the storm, far true in his eyes, a fate unknown, a fate unseen

Soon to occur, a dream, of a horrid scene

(Instrumental) 0:36 - 0:58

Then came along, from far and wide, the cries that weep

Of tears and bones, to rot away in the ash and heap

And from that day, far true in his eyes, the demon would come to take its lands

Yet not before, the blood, dripped on its hands

(Instrumental) 1:35 - 2:34

And so, their arms went up, steel blades to the shaded sky

An army there, a people bound to die

But with their bows, their blades, their shields

Came high the beasts, to set a fire, a roar, and a chaos on the fields

(Instrumental) 3:05 - 3:27

From the dark's last fall, from the star's last rise

He fell upon the fiery throne, so late to know, the truth inside its lies

In came the storm, far true in his eyes, a fate well known, a fate well seen

Soon to occur, a dream, of a wondrous scene

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