Pranks i pulled this year

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Cling wrap in shampoo bottle, put paper that says you got pranked in between two layers of cling wrap. I got both my dad and brother with this one, and it was really funny. My brother didn't want to admit he'd been pranked though.

Take out the batteries in the tv remote. I did this, and put a little piece of paper inside that said 'April fools!' I also wrote where the batteries where on the other side. My dad sat down to watch tv, and started asking if we broke the tv. Then he checked the batteries, and rolled his eyes when he was the paper.

Nail polish on end of pencil, or eraser. This one means, you brush clear nail polish onto the tip of a pencil, and on its eraser. I tested this one, and I found out, it works better on pens, not pencils. The pencils still write, not very well, but they still do, and this isn't what the prank is. My mom later was wondering my The pencils where, 'sticky'. I wouldn't describe it as sticky, but the pencils didn't work. The pens did, like they actually didn't write. I don't know if it's my nail polish, or what, but you can give this a try and if it works, tell me what you did!

Bubble wrap under carpet. I stuck a piece of bubble wrap under our carpet that is right inside out door. so when my dad came home from work, he stepped on it, and some of the bubbles popped! He was surprised, and I yelled, April fools!

Bug inside of lamp. My mom turned on the lamp, and the first time she didn't actually notice it. They second time she did though. She called everyone to come and look at this big bug that was in the lamp. When she shook the lamp, and the bug didn't move, she figured out if was only paper.

Switch cereal bags. I wanted to do this one, but everyone unfortunately had toast for breakfast. Maybe I'll try it another day.

Hogwarts acceptance letter. I did this one to my friend that really likes Harry potter. She thought it was amazing, and I put a small foldout tab at the bottom of the letter that said April fools! I'm sure she knew it was already a prank, but it made her laugh.

Wet floor sign with water molecules models around. I folded a semi big piece of cardboard in half, writing 'caution, Wet floor' on it. A few days before, I made water molecules out of sculpey clay. (Just red bases, with two little white sticks each leading to a white ball.) I set this up in my bathroom, and everyone thought it was hilarious.

Play food in fridge. I put playfood in containers, and put them in the fridge, in front of everything else so outbound be grabbed first. My mom found it, but she's not really into pranks, so she didn't laugh. Everyone else did though. :D

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