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Hey! April is coming up, and everyone knows, on the 1st is April fools day. The perfect day for pranking your family and friends. I'll be giving you some pranks to pull. Tell me if u did them, and how they worked!😁

#1 spider in lamp.
For this one, all you need to do is get a piece of black paper, and cut out a spider, or some type of bug. Then stick it in a lamp that gets used frequently, When the light it turned it, it looks like there is a big hug inside the lamp. I did this one last year, and my mom freaked out. It was so funny because she called everyone to come and look at this big hug that was in the lamp. She eventually figured it out, and found out it was me.

#2 nail polish on pencil or soap.
Get some clear bank polish, and put a coat of two on the top of a pencil. When that person goes to use the pencil, they will wonder why the pencil isn't writing. Do the same to a bar of soap,(if you use one). When won one goes to use it, it won't suds at all!

#3 cling wrap trap.
This one's easy, just take a roll of cling wrap and put it in a doorway. When someone tries to go through, they will get caught in it!

#4 dyed water.
Now, if you want someone to hate you, this is the way to go. Take some food dye and put it on the shower nozzle right before someone takes a shower. If you want to be a little kinder, put it on the sink nozzle instead. Either way, someone will get colorful hair or hands, and they will want to get you back.

#5 Toilet paper conundrum.
If you are especially evil, take a zip tie and put it around the toilet paper. Whoever's going won't be to pleased, having no way to get it off.

#6 Door alarm
If you for whatever reason have an air horn, I have the prank for you. Take it and tape it to the wall behind a door, so when the door it opened, it presses the button making it go off. This is not only a prank, but also a scare.

This one's a funny one. Take a while bunch of googly eyes, then stick two each on everything in the fridge. When it's opened, it'll look like everything is looking at you.

#8 tug of war.
If you have two doors in your house exactly straight across from each other, take a role and tie it on the doorknobs, leaving a small amount of slack. Then knock on both doors and see the people inside having a tug of war to get out.

If j u just don't feel like doing anything, then do this. In the days before April first, tell your family hints about how many awesome and horrible tricks your going to play on them. Then on April fools day, watch them be all nervous about so the "pranks" you have waiting for them . Really, when you only had one big one.

#10 spilled ice cream
Take a bottle of liquid glue, and squeeze it into the shape of what you think melted spilled ice cream would look like. Let it dry, then paint it to what ever flavor of ice cream you c currently have in your fridge. Take a paper bowl, and paint a little of the same color inside to make it look like ice cream is in to to. Then finally, set it on its side on the carpet, and take your fake ice cream spill, and set it so it looks like a real spill. Watch win one come and freak out!

#11 broken remote
If there's someone in your house that watches TV alot, take a piece of clear tape, and put it right on the sensor. They will be so frustrated, wondering why the remote won't work, after they changed the batteries!
But seriously, if they can't find the tape after a while, he a bud and help them out.

#12 dollars
Print out a fake dollar. Cut off both ends, and take another life of paper and cut a small piece the same songs of the fake dollar. Tape both ends of the dollar to it, and write "april fools!" Or " you've been pranked " on the paper. Fold it in thirds, so only the fake dollar ends are showing. Set it somewhere obvious, and wait for someone to find it.

#13 brownies?
This one is simple. Take several pieces of brown paper and cut out large brown E's. Then take a pan and cover it with tinfoil. Put the brown E's inside, and put the pan on the counter. Everyone thinks you made brownies, but really, you made brown E's. Not that far off, right? 😁

#14 crackly carpet.
If you have a rug somewhere in your house that gets stepped on often, take a piece of bubble wrap and pop it right under the carpet. Watch someone be surprised that the carpet is cracking!

#15 frozen breakfast
If you normally get a sibling in your house cereal in the morning, and you want to prank them good, do this. The night before prep their cereal, but this time stick it into the freezer. When you wake up the next morning, give it to them frozen. They might have you, but it was worth it, right?

#16 growing feet
Take someone's shoes, and stuck a few tissues of sheets of paper towels into the toes. The person will rethink their feet have grown! Until they find the problem.

These are some jokes. I'm thinking of doing some of them, and I hope they will work excellently. If you want me to do another chapter on pranks, I will because I still have plenty. And if you do them, tell me how they worked!

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