» Tuesday «

19 0 0

Everything I ever wanted,

everything I ever needed was her

The day of my night. 

The warmth of my summers.

The Bonnie of my Clyde. 

The Juliet of my Romeo.

With every breath, she stole my life 

and with every sigh, she gave it back.

Our fingers entwined together so perfectly. 

Her hand in mine. 

The world just a memory.

Like puzzle pieces, 

we were carved in the shape of one another.

Or that's what I thought.

"Codependency", that's what they call it.

Love. Four letters. 

Countless sleepless nights.

She never kissed me 

and I never kissed her back.

Too scared of waking up.

We professed our love with silent words. Furtive stares.

Remember we used to say: "Without you I'm nothing".

In the end, I still refused to realize: 

I was the only one who truly meant it.

Even if your hand still rests in mine, 

our fingers don't seem to fit the way they used to anymore.

And even as close as heat to fire, 

I can't seem to merge our hearts back together.

"Denial". That's what they said.

How many nights have I spent 

counting stars in the dark of her hair?

How many times 

have I drowned in the depths of her eyes?

Even as far as sleep is from the truth 

she's always with me.

In every crimson rose, 

I lay a kiss to her bloodstained lips. 

The one that could have been. 

The one that never will.

With the phantom feeling of her by my side, I fall asleep. 

Expecting to find her eyes staring back at me when morning comes.

The sun rises. The sky has never seemed so grey. 

She took all it's colours when she ran away.

My head is full of regrets. 

My chest as empty as a bird's nest in December.

"Jealousy". That's what they told me.

The echo of her laugh still hunts me. 

The silence has never hurt so much.

Never believed I could have her, 

now, I can't believe that I've lost her.

Walking down the street. Under the dim light of the moon 

I watched as her hand linked with his

and her lips recited the same words she once said to me.

The words that would never again be.

Short Poem: LossWhere stories live. Discover now