Chapter 2

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School has been going great for this past month, basketball pre-season workouts finally started back up, giving me something to do other than hang out at Avery's every night. As I predicted, his pretty little self ended up finding another girlfriend and she'd always looking to spend time with him whenever she gets the chance, so basically I always end up third-wheeling or hanging out at the house with Kayla when she wasn't in her office working.
    Today, marked the ninth year of my parents death and my eighteenth birthday. My sister was out shopping for something with her boyfriend Blake, so I was on my way to Avery's. I hated being alone on this day because I would get all sad, but I know my parents would want me to have a good day. When I got to the house, I saw Kayla's car in the driveway, so I just walked into the house since she always left it unlocked when she was home. I had my headphones in listening to the latest by Demi Lovato, so I wasn't really paying too much attention to my surroundings. I figured Avery would be out doing something with his new lady, so I just went up to the game room to play some Grand Theft. I was in need of driving at insanely fast speeds and robbing innocent bystanders.
    After a while of playing, I had to use the bathroom, so I went to the one closest to the game room, forgetting just whos bathroom it was. When I walked in, it felt like a sauna, so naturally I looked over towards the bathtub. To my surprise, there was Kayla, sitting in a bubble bath with some headphones in, reading a book. My heart stopped beating and my pulse began to race. What should I do, I really had to pee, but at the same time I didn't want to disturb her peace., but before I could react, she looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. Shit, she caught me! I looked at her dumbstruck, what was I supposed to say, oh hey Kayla just came to use the bathroom? She would think I'm a creep or something.
    I had to pull myself out of my own head when I saw that her lips were moving, but no words were registering to my ears or brain. I shook my head and looked at her from under my long lashes.
    "I'm so sorry Kayla! I forgot that this was your bathroom," I all but yelled.
    "Monica calm down, we're both women here. It's no big deal sweetie. What do you need?" she pulled both her headphones out.
    "I, I, I umm, I just needed to use the bathroom. I was in the game room and didn't want to go all the way to Avery's," I was mentally scolding myself for not going to that one.
    "Honey, just use the bathroom, I'm almost done in here anyways," she shifted in the oval tub and the bubbles a top her chest began to disappear revealing the top of her perky mounds.
    "No, um it's okay. You finish up and I'll go to Avery's bathroom," my heart was pounding in my ears so i could barely hear.
    All I heard as I turned to walk out was the sound of that sing-song laughter. I closed the door behind me and slid down the wall next to it. Oh my goodness, I can't believe that just happened. I should've knocked, or better yet, I should've just went to Avery's bathroom! I took a deep breath and made my way to the other bathroom because now I truly needed to pee. Something within me though began to burn after that encounter with that very beautiful woman. I brushed it away however, used the bathroom, straightened myself up and went back to the game room to resume my game.
    I was in the midst of outrunning the cops in my game when I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. Ignoring it, I continued paying attention to my game and listening to my music. One of my headphones ended up slipping out though because I was moving so much, so I was able to hear the click of heels against the floor. I knew it was Kayla, so I ignored looking up from my game because I was still embarrassed that I walked in on her. With that thought though, my mind flew back to the view at which she was very exposed. My heart began to race again and my palms became clammy like they had before.
    Too busy enduring my flashback, I didn't notice Kayla standing in front of me until I was staring into bright baby blue eyes. I jumped in my seat because she was EXTREMELY close to my face. Holy shit, when did she get so close. I knew she was in the room but I couldn't see her until well, now. My reaction caused her to laugh at me and stand up straight. In doing so, she reveal what she had on for the day, her robe, what looked to be red lingerie and a pair of red Louis Vuittons. The woman looked like a goddess, making my mouth instantly go dry and a burning to rise in my soul. I wanted to touch her. Shit, what was I thinking?! I could in no way do that!
    "Earth to Monica Jackson," Kayla waved her hand in my face.
    "Shit, sorry Kayla. Did you say something?" I spoke softly
    "What's wrong with you, you look so flushed sweetie," she had a smirk on her face.
    "N-nothing is wrong, I don't know what you're talking about," I laughed nervously, my eyes catching the rise and fall of her chest.
    "My eyes are up here Mon," she laughed while tipping my chin so that I was looking at her instead of her chest.
    "I'm sorry," I looked down. I didn't understand what was wrong with me, I was never this sheepish around her.
    "Don't apologize sweetie. I just came in to tell you something and to give you something," her smile was brighter than the sun at that moment.
    "What's up," I composed myself a little more.
    "Happy Birthday baby girl! I know you said not to get you anything, but I wanted you to have at least a little something from me," she handed me a box with a red bow on it.
    I opened it and inside was a silver, diamond encrusted locket necklace. I opened the locket and there was a picture of myself and Kayla laughing off-guard. I looked up at her and saw the grin on her face, telling me it was really real. I was so happy, I launched myself at her, throwing my arms around her waist.  She hissed at my probably very cold hands making contact with her warm skin, but i tightened my grip.
    After a few moments, I pulled back a little, my hands still around her waist and just stared into her beautiful eyes for a while. I was about to tell her thank you, but before the words could leave my lips. Hers came crashing down onto them. My body stiffened at first, but I slowly melted into the sweet bliss of this unexpected kiss. My heart exploded and the burning from within roared to life making my skin feel as if it was on fire. I went to deepen the kiss but Kayla pulled back with a horrified look on her face, and in that moment I knew she hadn't meant to kiss me like that. She began shaking her head.
    "Fuck Monica, I'm sorry. That wasn't supposed to... I really mean to... FUCK!" her heels clicked the floor loudly as she paced the room.
    "Kayla," I said her name, but she was lost in beating herself up.
    "Monica, I'm so sorry. I don't want you to think badly of me," she was saying, but stopped when she looked back at me, "why are you smirking right now?" she shot.
    I laughed at her and took hold of her fluffy robe, "I'm smirking because I knew you had the hots for me,' I yanked her close, causing her to stumble into my chest.
    "Me, have the hots for you? Seriously the hots? You couldn't think of anything better?" her sweet breath was warm on my face.
    "I could've but that would mean more talking and less of this," I took her face into my hands and kissed her ever so softly, letting my lips linger so she'd come back for more. She did by the way.
    Our lips molded together perfectly, like they were made for each other, as if they were two missing puzzle pieces. Her body melted into mine, and in the back of my head I knew we shouldn't be doing this, but it just felt so right. That burning inside of me burst into something sweet, something I only felt once before back when I was with Nicky. Could it be? It couldn't, could it? Could I love my best friends mom?
    Then she pulled back again gasping for air, and my lips and body ached to have hers back. But that was all shattered when she opened her mouth to say, "Monica baby, that can't happen again," she touched my cheek .
    I looked at her and laughed, "don't worry Kayla, you won't be saying that for much longer," I put my headphones in and winked at her, getting back to my game, hanging onto my new necklace
Kayla's POV
    Oh my god Kayla! What is your problem? I walked into my bedroom and threw myself back onto my king sized bed. I can't believe I let myself lose control like that. My mind flashed back to the scene that had just taken place. The feel of Monica's soft hands wrapped around my waist and my hands tightened in her jet black locks. The smell of her cologne that she always wears that just drives my lady parts crazy and the feel of her soft lips, tasting of mint from the gum she'd been chewing. Oh my god, I couldn't believe I had actually kissed my son's best friend! No matter how sexy, beautiful she's gotten over the years, and oh my god has she gotten sexy over the years, I thought while facepalming. Stop it Kayla. You can't let feelings come out for an eighteen year old girl. A girl! I argued with myself, yes she was eighteen, but that attitude and body screamed twenty-two.
    You guys are probably a little confused about what just took place, so it' time for a little backstory...
    I had came home early from work and I saw my husband Mitch's car parked in the driveway, which was odd for a Thursday, but I shrugged it off. I walked in the house and kicked off my shoes and called out his name. There was no response, so with another shrug, I went and put my stuff down in my office. I took my hair out of the bun it was in, shook it and called out to Mitch once more, with no response. I figured he was just upstairs sleeping, so I made my way up the stairs that lead up to our bedroom. When I reached the top, the air in the atmosphere changed and I instantly felt like I was being suffocated. I made my way our bedroom door and when I walked in, my heart stopped beating for what I thought was a lifetime. I couldn't breathe. There in my bed was my husband and another woman on top of him. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My husband of thirteen years was in our bed with another woman.
    "You and your slut can politely get the hell out of my house," I leaned against the doorframe.
    "Kayla!" he shot up, pushing the woman off of him, "honey, let me explain."
    "Save it Mitchell. Get your shit and get out," I felt something within me completely detach. I was livid.
    "Kayla, don't do this. Think about Avery, honey," he stood up wrapping himself with the sheet.
    "Think of Avery? Mitchell, were you thinking about him when you decided to bring that bitch into the place where he lays his head?! No, I don't think so, but I'm thinking of him right about now, and we don't need you Mitch. Now get out of my house and don't forget to take your little tramp with you," I said and walked into the closet to change into my bathing suit.
    I still remember that day, and from then on I wrote off all men and relationships except for my beautiful son. Don't get me wrong here, I never considered myself a lesbian after that but one day Monica came home with Avery shortly after she had come out of the closet, I think that was a month after the divorce was final. She looked different, she was in a baby blue button down shirt and black skinny jeans with her waist long jet black hair falling in her face and that's when the playful flirting started, harmless to the both of us. Over the last three years though, she's grown into a goddess of a young woman, no matter that she dressed like a boy every single day. It wasn't until they started school last month and Avery said Mon had groupies did something awaken within me. I knew what it was instantly when I felt, jealousy. I was growing to love her and not just like my sons best friend, but like one day I wanted to be more. I told myself that day though that no matter what, I wouldn't let those feelings come out and I would force them to go away. With her walking in on me earlier, part of me wanted her to join me and when she looked into my eyes after I gave her, her present, something just snapped and I couldn't help it. It wouldn't happen again though, that's Avery's best friend and I wasn't going to put their lifelong friendship in jeopardy. I also wouldn't let it ruin the playful relationship Monica and I shared. I threw a minor fit and screamed into one of my pillows before I composed myself and went to change into my swimsuit.
Monica's POV
    I watched from the large game room window as Kayla slid herself into the pool and floated on her back. She caught me looking and I winked before walking away towards Avery's room because I heard him finally come home.
    I walked in and stood in his doorway with my arms crossed. He jumped to the ceiling when he saw me just standing there.
    "My god Mon, don't do that shit bro," he threw a pillow at me.
    "First of all, where the hell have you been all day? Second, did you forget today was my birthday you asshole?" I threw the pillow back at him.
    Instead of him giving me an answer all he did was slide a big birthday bag in my direction and crossed his arms afterwards. I rose my eyebrow at him out of curiosity and he nodded for me to open. With a slight grin on my face, I untied the bag and took out all the tissue inside. When I looked inside the bag there was a small box on top of the other stuff in the bag. When I opened it, inside laid a diamond encrusted bracelet, I looked over at Avery with a questioning look.
    "Take it out of the box before you start complaining you goof," he rolled his eyes.
    So I pulled the bracelet out of the box and hanging from it was a picture of the two of us when we were kids. I felt my eyes begin to water. We were so small. I flipped him off, like I always did when he would make me cry tears of happiness. I set the bracelet on his desk and continued opening everything else in the bag. He got me a pair of studded Louis Vuitton kicks and a Tommy outfit to match with a belt to go with it and at the bottom of the bag was a Gucci backpack, the custom one I've been wanting since my birthday last year.
    "See Mon, I do listen when you tell me things," he came over and hugged me from behind.
    "You and your mom got these done together didn't you?" I held up both the bracelet and necklace.
    "Actually no, she's the one who inspired me to get a bracelet to match the necklace. I couldn't let her upstage me!" he hit his chest.
    I laughed and thought to myself, if only he knew what had taken place in the game room not too long before. I hugged him and then pulled off my shirt revealing my swimming top making him smile and follow suit by getting into his swim trunks. We went out to the backyard and came face to face again with Kayla. My eyes traveled across her wet body, the swimsuit she was in could put any model in the world to shame. The black one piece against her lightly tanned skin had me itching to reach out and touch her, but instead i settle for a playful cat call.
    "Yikes, looking good enough to eat Ms. K," I whistled followed by my signature wink and i swear she blushed.
    "I could be saying the same to you honey. You body looks better and better with each day that passes," she winked back.
    "Okay, that's enough of that. God Mon, stop hitting on my mother! And mother, stop hitting on my best friend. Either that or get a room! Goodness," Avery threw his hands up and jumped into the pool.
    I gave Kayla one last wink before I followed suite with a big slash.
Avery's POV
    They were so annoying, one of the two needed to just confess their feelings already or I'm going to explode. Yeah, it's my mom and my best friend but if they loved each other, then why shouldn't they be together? They think I'm blind though, like i didn't see the look in my mom's face after the first day of school when I told her about Monica's groupies. Or the way Monica just looked at my mom in her swimsuit. The sexual tension between the two of them is sickening, I just wanted them to be happy and I couldn't stand in the middle of that.
    I watched them as my mom got back in the pool, they were so playful, so carefree. You could see the love in both of their eyes and the giant smiles on their faces. My mom had her arms around Monica's waist trying to pick her up and throw her back into the pool. Monica was not having all that and I played as if I was annoyed but secretly I enjoyed seeing them so happy and lovey dovey. They'll end up together eventually, it was only a matter of time.

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