Alpha!Kirishima X Omega!Reader : My Alpha (🍋)

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(Y/N) POV:
It was way past due for me to get a roommate. I missed the due date for a bunch of my bills and was on the verge of being kicked out of my apartment. Luckily, after months of searching, someone finally replied to my ad online.

I had gotten into the habit of turning down Alphas but I couldn't keep it up if I wanted to stay off the streets. So I decided to give the next person a chance. Whether they were an Alpha or an Omega. After a long conversation with the potential roommate on the phone, I ultimately made the decision to have him move in. I knew it was going to be strange but, he has agreed to my ground rules. The most important of which was staying out of my way while I went through heat for a few days. We agreed on me just stockpiling things like food in my room so we wouldn't run into each other. It was kind of an embarrassing conversation if I'm being honest.

It was a great deal but of course only time could tell if he would actually behave. He was an Alpha after all.

Today is the day that he moves in. I'm a bit skeptical because I've never met him in person. I guess I can only hope for the best though.

I pace around my kitchen, anxiously awaiting the arrival of my new roommate. Suddenly, an enticing aroma reaches my nose and every nerve in my body tell me to follow the scent. It would be sure to lead me to my mate.

I walk to my front door and open it, walking out, the smell becoming overwhelming. I turn to the left to look down the hallway to see a red-headed Alpha walking towards my apartment with a box. As he approaches, the scent gets stronger and I realize that it's actually coming from him.

Kirishima POV:

A sweet scent surrounded me the closer I got to her apartment. I chuckled to myself as I walked up, wanting to put my boxes down before trying to find my mate. It'd be hilarious if my new roommate was my actual mate. I thought to myself. Once I reached the fourth floor, where the apartment was, I started reading the numbers on the doors. The smell became so powerful that I almost started jogging, until I noticed a girl with (H/C) hair standing at the end on the hallway, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Kirishima?" My name coming from her lips was enchanting. I smiled, even though it was strange for her to know my name, then realized she's probably my roommate.

"(Y/N), I'm assuming?" I ask. She smiles and nods, a barely noticeable blush forming on her cheeks while her tail flicks slowly, but excitedly.

The aroma coming from her could not be mistaken. She was definitely my mate.

(Y/N) POV:

I almost held my hand out for him to shake before realizing that the box he was holding looked kind of heavy. I open the door to my apartment and let him in. I show him to the room that would be his and let him put his box down.


Neither of us mentioned the euphoric scent that came from the other over the next couple of months. I think he knew that if he mentioned anything, I wouldn't be ready to hear it and kick him out. I was just too afraid to say anything. It would change so much and I had never been in any relationship before.

Kirishima was a perfect gentleman, especially when he knew he had to stay away.

I was going through my fourth heat since Kirishima had moved in. My breathing was labored and I had a feverish sheen of sweat coating my body. I was basically shaking and it didn't help that he smelled so arousing to me. I shake my head and look around my room for something to distract myself with.

Kirishima POV:

God, I just want to slam her bedroom door down and mate with her. But that would be so unmanly. She's so gorgeously sexy though, every little thing she does is adorable. If only she knew just how much the twitch of her tail affects me. Ugh.

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