Chapter One

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A long time ago, Where a man lived of could control the elements  air, water, earth, and fire. 1000 years later he just disappeared.
(I'll fix this later)


A young girl of 6 years old is running through people fighting each other. She get to her destination....her mother........but she got there to late. They.....the fire nation.....took off with her then two weeks later she and her older brother found out that there mother died while trying to help other people that where with her. That little girl was me.... My name is Rosanna Cross, with my brother Thackeray Cross, we are on own and looking for the Avatar.

Ten years later

"Thackeray wake up we got to go!" I yell at his sleepingself.
"I'm awake! I'm awake!" My brother said get up off the ground.
"I really dont think we are going to fine the Avatar Rosanna." Thack said looking at me.
"We're gonna find him I can feel it, we are close." I said packing are stuff up on to are pet polar dogs.
"Rosanna what are we going to with them?" Thackeray whispers walking up to me putting his sleeping bag on billy (Thackeray's polar wolf).
"What do you mean?" I ask him looking at him.
"I don't know....maybe we should be more careful with them." Thackeray said looking at are polar Wolves.
"Well.......we will have to be more careful huh." I said looking from my brother to Billy and Winter (my polar wolf).
"What if the fire nation comes out of no where and chances us, like how they did last time, well almost." Thack said looking my way. I went to say something to him but heard something. I put me finger in front of my mouth in a 'be quite'.
"What did you hear sis?" Thack wisspered.
"I thing I heard a flying bison!" I yell happily running off. 
"Rosanna! Wait!" Thack ran after me.

With Anag

"What do you want?" I ask the person in front of me pretacting the people behind me.
"I want the avatar, so I can get my honor back." The person said to me. Then saw an old friend coming behind prince Zuko.

Back to Rosanna

Im behing a piecie of a fire nation ship. As I see a kid no more than 12 talking to Zuko. As he is talking I quietly walk up behind Zuko and use my air.....I mean my water bending and hit him in the back of his head. And then kick his legs out under him and I get my water ready for anothor attack.
"Who dare hit me!" Zuko said in a angry voice getting out of the snow to see who it was.
"Well what do you expect me to do when a kid is about to go and get killed by your father, Zuko" I said with venom dripping off every word I say.
"Rosanna, its good to see you again." Zoko said sarcasticly with venom on his words while hurting.
"Now are you gonna tell me why you are taking this little kid with you Zuko?" I said walking in front of the said boy protecting him and the people behind him.
"Because he is the avatar Rosanna." Zuko said looking at me getting ready to shot fire at me.
"Did you really want to do that?" someone said behind Zuko. Zuko turned around and shot his fire at the person. After the snow went away I see my brother Thackeray not to happy to see Zuko.
"Next time why do you look before shoting huh." Thackeray said Still looking at Zuko then to me and then to the boy behind me back to me.
"Is that who I think it is?" My brother said walking to me and the boy.
"My name is Thackeray and this is my sister Rosanna. What your name?" Thack said to the boy.
"My name is Aang." Aang said look at my brother and me.
"Thank you for stepping in Rosanna." Aang said looking at me.
"No problem." I said looking behind me where a very passed off looking Zuko is.
"Do you have a problem?" I ask Looking at him.
"Yes I do now get out my way or I'll burn this place to the ground." Zuko said looking at me with a treating look.
"Try it and I will put it out before it hits them!" I yelled at him with venom driping from my words. After I said this he shots the fire and I use my water bending and put it out.
"You are not going to take this boy, ever and that a promise." I said taking a glance at my brother and he nods and I nod back.
"If you want the boy take me instead." I said taking a glance at the boy gives me a look like don't do it before looking at Zuko.
"Why should I take you instead of the boy?" Zuko said looking interested.
"Im sorry Tharkeray, because I am a water bender, Airbender,...." I said quitly then taking a big breath, " And I can..." I got interuped by Sokka. "Rosanna what are you doing here I thought you where going to the north pole." Sokka said when he got to me after huging me to death.
"I was and then I heard something and just came to check and see if everything was okay good thing I came huh." I said looking at him happy he was ok. Thackeray pulled me away from him giving him a death glair.
"Thack be nice he isn't the one that is gonna hurt me, it Zuko who would." I said looking back at Sokka then to Zuko.
"I know Rosanna." Thackeray said looking at me then to Zuko.
"What where you going to say, Girl." Zuko said looking at Sokka with an upset then back to me.
"Rosanna don't." Aang said walking up to me and hugged me to wispper in my ear, "let them take me trust me and make sure to follow the ship with Appa to get me out okay." I nod at him and mouth 'You better be ready'. Aang nods back at me. My brother saw this and when to take to Aang but I stopped him.
"What are you doing?" Thack whisper looking at me then to him back to me.
"We have a plan, trust me." I said walking over to Aang to walk him to Zuko.
"He want to go and I can't stop him from going." I said looking at Aang in the corner of my eye. After saying that Zuko grabbed Aang and left. I turn around and see a very mad looking 'mama' bear walking up to me. 'Oh shit'
"Who do you think you are to let that boy go to his death!" Katara said upset with brother Inter erupted her saying, "She and Aang have a plan, Now are you coming to help us or not." Thackeray said
"Yeah, we are going to help so you don't hurt him miss." Katara said walking pass me bouping my shoulder.
"You'er going the wrong way." I said walking up to Appa.
"Appa let's go get Aang." I said getting on Appa.
"You guys coming because I dont think we can stay here long." I said looking at my brother.
"Alright we are coming." Sokka said coming up to the back. After sokka and katara get on I look at my brother.
"Thackeray, get your ass on appa." I said looking at him.
"Fine ..... Whinch" He said giving a look to Kataras gran gran and she nodded her head as while as getting on appa.
"How did you know what word to use to get appa up and moving?" Katara ask me looking.
"I know because I say the same thing to Winter, my polar wolf." I said looking forward looming for the ship. Before anyone says anything about me having a polar dog I see the ship.
"Guys I found the ship let's get down their and help." I said Landing down on the snow covered ground.
"Aang!" I yelled to chach his eyes.
"Rosanna!" Aang said runinng to appa. I get off appa and punch a guy behind Aang.
"You okay?" I asked him still fighting the guy.
"Yeah." Aang yell back fight as well.
"Aang we got to go, come on." Sokka yell so Aang and I can hear him.
"We better go before more come." I yell looking at him as well stop fight and turn and ran to appa. Aang got on. I go to get on and get hit by a fire Ball on my back land on appa's back.
"Ouch!" I whimper in pain.
"You okay Rosanna?" Sokka ask looking at me. I went to answer
"No she got hit by a fire ball to her back." Aang said still looking ahead to get to the south pole.
"Is that ture?" Katara ask.
"Why don't you just look?" I said looking at her. She takes a look at my back and gasps.
"Oh my god that looks so bad, im go in to heal you." Katara said coming back to the front of me then going back to my back.
"I'll be fine it well heal." I said looking at Aang.
"I'm still going to heal your wound Rosanna." Katara said looking at Anag then back to my back.
"No you are not, girl" Thackeray said looking at Katara 
"Sorry, Katara." I said looking over to Katara.
"Well we got to get going...." I said looking at the ocean letting go of Thackeray.
"Why don't you come with us?" Anag asks me and Thackeray getting me to look at him.
"Because we got things to do before helping you in person but we will meet up again soon, Anag, Katara, and Sokka." I said looking away form Sokka to Thackeray giving him the 'lets go look before I change my mind' look.
"Why don't you take a boat then, it's the least I can do." Sokka said looking at my back.
"We would love a boat." my bro said before I could say anything.
"Great!" Sokka yelled then cleared his throat.
"I'll show you the boats come with me." Sokka said looking at me. I look at the ocean again then to Katara pleaseding her to come with.
"I'll come with." Katara said looking at me 'Your welcome'
'Thank you' I mouth to her walking away form Sokka.
"Well here it is." Sokka said looking at me and Thackeray.
"Its perfect Sokka." I said walking passed him to the boat calling for Winter and Billy.
"You might want to move Sokka." Thackeray said look to the incoming polar dogs running to me.
"Why......." Sokka said but got inter erupted by the polar dogs running over him to get to me.
"Awha that's why" Sokka said in pain looking up to Thackeray.
"That boat is perfect for all of us,thank you Sokka." I said looking him getting up off the ground.
"Its time for us to go." Thackeray said looking at me.
"I know, but we will see you guys later, bye Katara, Sokka, Anag." I said waving to them as we set sail.
'Why was Zuko here?' I think to myself looking over the side of the boat with winter by my side.
"What are you think about Rosa?" Thackeray ask lining on the side of the boat by me.
"N- nothing." I said looking over at him then back to the water to hid my red face.
"Ohhhhhh your thinking of your crush arnt ya." Thack said looking at me giving me a grin form ear to ear.
"N-n-no I'm not because I don't have a crush at all." I said still looking away form him.
"Yea ooooooook just because your thinking about Sokka like that doesn't mean you can't talk to me about it or is it still Zuko you have a crush on." Thackeray said looking at me form the side my face reder than a tomatoe with him saying both names.
"Ooooooooh you have two crushes." He said while laughing.
"Thacheray that isn't nice you know." I said looking at him with a pissed off look.
'Oh shit' "I'm fucked arnt I" he said starting to run.
"Ya you better run, boi" I said running after him tackaling him to the floor of the boat.
"Ha got you" I said laughing looking down at him.
"Really huh" Thackeray said starting to tickle me on my sides.
"Son of a bicth!" I yelled only to get more laughs from me. After the tickling stops. Night comes
"Bed time Thack." I said looking at a tried Thackeray at the wheel of the ship.
"Okay, but you got to get some sleep to Rosa." Thack said yawning. Getting him to the beds I leave the bedroom and go back up to the front of the ship. Thinking 'What am I going to do with my crush on Sokka and Zuko.' While faceplaming.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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