13:Modern Day Belle

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Dylan's POV

We began spending more time together and I think I had seen more ramen that I had ever seen ... literally my entire life.

When she got a craving it was ramen .. recently it had been mint chocolate cookies, and i did everything I could to satisfy her cravings.

"Dude , I feel like.. I gained so much weight"

I hear her on the phone earlier today... who was she speaking to ?... she looks the same to me minus with the fact how much she glowed.

I read somewhere earlier ... in a pregnancy book that woman have a glow to them when they're pregnant , it is called a pregnancy glow.

Yue was tiny and which concerned the doctor's a lot and they feared the baby would have difficulties grow inside her, so she'd have to go weekly for check ups.

So far everything was fine... which I was thankful for.

I was checking with coach about the next plays of our next game which wasn't too far away when I hear a knock on my study.

"I have to go now , Dylan, um... thank you for the mint chocolate cookies , they were delicious"

I nod.

"Definitely, how was everything ... it sucks that I couldn't come today... because of how busy I was with practice"

"Don't worry everything is okay, doctor says baby is growing just fine.."

Someone barges into my study and I see my annoying best friend , Kido.. he looks completely breathless as if he had been running.

"Dude... the second male lead of my love life is winning... she said yes to going on a date with him!!!"

Kido takes a seat on the chair pouting and doesn't really notice Shen Yue standing there.. I notice Shen Yue laughing and she gets closer to him patting him.

Kido is stunned by her presence and shudders embarrassed by what she heard him say.

"I think .. you shouldn't give up , you have an opportunity.. I think Wynter needs a little time to figure how she really feels.. and who says he is the second lead and not you?"

She teases him and Kido tenses by her words and Shen Yue only winks at me.. and I laugh.

"Kidding ... Kido.. but seriously ... step up your game .. although my sister didn't correct me when I said you were her boyfriend when you got hurt that one time.."

Kido blushes at the word boyfriend but then shrugs it off.

"What about you Hedi... did your ex write your that daily letter again?"

I thought Shen Yue would have a reaction to what Kido says but she only laughs and playfully shoved me... woah.. That kinda hurts..

"Your ex writes you letters , how poetic!!"

I tense... and shake my head... Gosh no , I had read one line from Belinda's letters one time when I was drunk and It was so cringey , gosh I had seven sobered up from how cringey it was... and lied about the baby being mine the millionth time...

"She does and I'll tell you one thing, your eyes would burn and you would rather dip them in bleach, by reading one line from any of those letters"

She nudges me and laughs... "I don't know what she did , but it must've been bad and you deserve better anyway, besides you'll find one that's worth your time and the baby's"

Shen Yue sets a hand on her flat stomach and I smile watching her... I couldn't wait until she had a belly.. she was going to look so cute pregnant.

Kido was on his phone but then a few moments later he mentioned something about having to finish a project he was working on for school , so he leaves the room .. leaving Shen Yue and I, alone.

Suddenly I remember the surprise I had prepared for her... I hope she was okay with it ... since she was going to be at my house a lot.

"Shen Yue, please don't get angry ... but I might have done something, but I promise you'll love it , but please I don't want to hear from you that it was too much"

She mumbles things in Korean ... like I can't imagine what he would do this time .. I'm afraid.. I'm only his surrogate , I'd be gone in like 8 months... after the baby

"Don't worry, I'll get good use out of it... and you just pushed me to wanting to actually do it"

I responded to her in Korean which leaves her shocked..

"I know a few languages, because of all the boarding schools my parents sent me to, they sent me to a lot trust me, I'm thankful that much to them , even though they were strict.."

She smiles sadly... we had spoken once on the topic and I didn't want to touch about it any further because of how dark my family history was.

But maybe today could be the day to open up to someone that wasn't Kido... after all she was trustworthy and I did know a few things about her family..

"I don't speak about my family much..because it was only my mom and dad , and a brother I had that was taken from us, if I had been more careful .. he would've been I think nineteen"

She shakes her head. "I bet whatever happened it wasn't your fault"

"It was though... I was chasing him because we were playing tag and that's how he got snatched, I hate myself .. for it, and I think it made forget how guilty I felt when I was going to become a dad at an early age.. but they were taken from me too... maybe it's just a sign .. of the two children I've lost ... they're punishing me for loosing Delun"

"I doubt that ... besides you were young , you couldn't control what happened , have you tried looking for him?"

Dylan nods.. "I've been searching since I got old enough and started having a little more money... have had a few leads.. but the only thing I can remember is a birthmark on his thumb and a scar he accidentally got on the leg and when we were swimming at the stream"

Yue walks over to me and wrap her arms around me.. unexpectedly.

At first I don't move a muscle and then I relax into the hug and wrap my arms around her tiny frame.

"You went through a lot , and you shouldn't hate yourself , your brother will turn up soon , I just feel it"

"I hope he does , my parents passed away before they could see him again"

I cough trying to ignore the tears and swallow hard the lump in my throat... and regain my posture.

"Okay now shall we go on to the surprise?"

She follows behind me without say another word and I open the room and her eyes widen and her mouth opens... the way her eyes scanned the room...

It was like a modern belle in heaven.

She climbed the ladder that led to books that were higher up ... I quickly rushed to where she was hold the ladder and look at her scolding her.

"Sorry... sometimes I forget i have to take care of not just myself but the baby"

"So do you like it?"

She climbs off the ladder and hugs me tightly again... and then kissed my cheek.

"Definitely... it's amazing in here , I think you'll find me in here most days.."

She definitely was modern day belle.

Updates are so slow these days but don't worry I planned out many chapters , that I just have to get to writing.

All the love , Ella Holland xx

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