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   MANY of the tragic stories that we hear, were originally tales of cheerfullness and joy. War sprung from peace, sadness stemmed from happiness and love was the predecessor of hatred.

   The twisted tale of the Khoza family was one of tragedy and wickedness from both sides of this story; it was filled with hatred, prejudice, unwarranted death and the cruel shattering of youthful hearts - but, in order for a heart to be broken, there had to have been a point when it was whole.

   The hearts in question belonged to those that knocked over the first domino - the hearts whose small spark triggered a forest fire - and their names were Isaiah Khoza and Amahle Brown.

   The two of them were unexpected; they were as different as night and day as well as moon and sun. They were on two completely different ends of the magical spectrum - the Khoza family from a life of finery and undiluted splendour. They were the very pinnacle of wizarding society.

   The Khoza's were sharp-minded, ambitious and possessed an almost dangerous sense of determination running through their veins. They would use any means available to achieve their goals.

   The Brown family, was almost the exact opposite.

   The Brown's were a family all wizards - but unlike their counterparts, they were not pureblooded. Mr and Mrs Brown were muggleborns and their daughter, Amahle, had muggle blood running through her veins.

   From dirty-blooded, to mudblood, to wizarding scum, a wide plethora of insults were constantly thrown Amahle's way by the snobbish pack of purebloods within the walls at Hogwarts - but the girl had thick skin, it never truly got to her.

   For the years that Amahle and Isaiah were at Hogwarts, they avoided one another as if the other person carried the great plague, neither one regarding the other with any intrigue or even mild curiosity. They left each other be and stuck to their own social classes. Amahle hated the elitist attitude of Isaiah and the latter couldn't stand her, just because.

   They never considered changing any dynamics pertaining to their non-existent relationship.

   Well, not at first anyway.

   Over the years, the looks of contempt between the two faded into something else; there were lingering stares instead of angry glowers and small smiles being exchanged instead of hateful scowls. Things, unexpectedly, changed.

   A laugh following a cheesy joke, hushed conversations in the darkness of midnight, notes of love discreetly being left behind for the other to discover - it was unsafe, risky, daring...it was dangerous.

   They knew the risks, so they were tactful. They kept up the facade of hatred by day, but let that guard down by nightfall. They were quiet, clever and made sure not to leave behind any form of trail.

   A laugh, a smile, a place and a time. That's how the cycle always went. It was smooth and untraceable - the letter left behind would disintegrate after begin read, only leaving behind mere cinders and ashes. It was the perfect system - the system that oh so foolishly led them to believe that they were safe. That people weren't at all suspicious of them, when they actually were.

   That was what caused it all to unravel - what caused it all to fall apart. The curiosity of others was their downfall.

   Betrayal. Isaiah's sister had found the note.

   The girl was just as smart as her brother was and pieced it together - they were meeting secretly. One night, she followed them out and discovered their meeting place - disgusted at what she saw. How could her brother mingle with a dirty-blooded witch like her?

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