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   ADELANA and AASIR KHOZA were different. Not just different amongst No-Maj's like you and I, but different amongst their own kind as well.

   Over twenty years ago, the Khoza family had been cast out of esteemed wizard society and into the shadows. Decades later, the once pure and noble family were now left with a reputation stained with imperfection, darkness - and a cruel, cruel curse.

   Now, in the year of 1987, Adelana and Aasir Khoza - raised with a strong hatred of their non-magical opposites - are now ready for the Khoza family to return to the rest of magical society and face their first year at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

   But, the true question was, was wizard society ready for their return?

   With rumours running through every wizard town, and enemies of the Khoza family lurking in the shadows, it's as if life is against these two tenacious twins...

   and maybe death is too.

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