Broken Hearts

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Rubble I can't believe I got eliminated 1st and Chase of course u got eliminated u Sung Justin beiber
Chade hey I like Justin beiber
Ryder Yeah Chase through all the songs and artist
Chase C'mon Guys it was only 1 round
Ryder yeah and we lost
Chase So what's that supposed to mean
Ryder That your useless
Chase what no I'm not
Ryder yes u are u sung Justin beiber through all the Artist
Chase well Rocky and them cheated
Rocky say what
SXR What was that Lil Sour patch
Chase U guys cheated
Rocky how'd we cheat just because we have more talent
Chase U did cheat everyone saw it
Rocky how'd we cheat then
Chase Jake Made us go 1st all the time
So u guys had time to Think of songs
SXR So u should have already had them ready
Xneon your just being salty
Chase no I'm not
Marshall Hey Leave Chase alone
SXR He Said we cheated acting like we ain't here him
Rocky Why are u being so Salty Chase
Chase I'm not
Nikesaw This sucks Need that

Rubble I can't believe I got eliminated 1st and Chase of course u got eliminated u Sung Justin beiberChade hey I like Justin beiberRyder Yeah Chase through all the songs and artistChase C'mon Guys it was only 1 roundRyder yeah and we lostChase So ...

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Chase no I don't
Ryder how about we all just Shut the hell up
Zuma Yeah
Rubble thank u
Rocky Good job though at least u got the participation reward

Chase Was feeling His blood rush And Was about to explode
Chase U know Rocky I though I was your friend but I relized something about u that u are a useless piece of shit
Rocky I'm no..
Rocky wad cut off by Chase Still exploding at him
Chase No Don't even finish your dumbass sentence U Annoying little bitch I felt bad for u at the beginning but now I don't because yoyr a useless Annoying little shit No wonder nobody likes u unless its SXR or some other shit just like u
SXR Excuse me what did u call me
Chase a piece of SHIT
SXR Alright thanks I'll be right back
Chase So Rocky The best I can say for u is Get Off the stage
Rocky ............
Rocky walked away got in his car and drove away leaving his Band members behind But its odd because he never does that
It began to rain
Ryder Unbelieveable Chase and u said u where going to change
Marshall was even dissapointed
Ryder C'mon pups
All the pups walked out and left Chase didn't even bother to look at him
Rocky oh great its raining Maybe Chase was Right about me maybe I am useless Rocky parked his car on the side of the road and began to walk the rest of the way To his destination

SXR C'mon guys I guess were walking back to the studio and Report this to Salvage
Nikesaw Why'd he leave though
Chase What have I done I'm suppose to be the example but I'm being a Dumb dog
Chase played there in the dark with the door shut and though to himself before he doze off to sleep
*1 hour Later*
Rocky was standing on the bridge the way to the lookout he Just stood there before he Got on the rail he looked down and took a deep breath

SXR C'mon guys I guess were walking back to the studio and Report this to SalvageNikesaw Why'd he leave thoughChase What have I done I'm suppose to be the example but I'm being a Dumb dogChase played there in the dark with the door shut and though...

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He saw Blood On the beach ground and he walked to the lookput and put it in flames before walking away from the explosion of the lookout
Rocky I'm coming for u Chase and imma remove every bone from your goddamn body
To be continued

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