03 - elemental powers at battle

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he was pushed in that direction forcibly as his hands drew back from the energy he was making. i kicked around some more, definitely causing him to weaken his firm stance. however, he bolted an energy ball towards the direction i was in, pinpointing me exactly. i rolled around, out of the void and into the real realm. i really felt the pain in his blast because i became weak as i laid there.

i didn't want to look, but i knew they were all looking at me. sensei orion was probably mentally telling himself that i should get back up, that i was way stronger than this. the others may have had a neutral opinion or probably even wished for my failure.

in that very moment, i could've allowed myself to surrender to the green ninja. after all, he was stronger than all the ninja there, perhaps even more so than all of them combined. i got way further than they could've.

but i didn't stop there. i didn't come to fail after so many years of training, practice, and desire. i came to prove myself eligible to become a ninja in order to protect. i wanted this so bad.

so i peeled myself off the ground. i heard whispers come from the vigilant ninja, as i regained my strength and faced lloyd. his eyes were hinting surprise as i did so.

i inhaled and exhaled quickly, extending my arms out. i knew what i was going to do. it was a skill i was very familiar with, but not fully perfected. but i gave it a shot.

i brought my fingers towards lloyd's direction, and i could feel the breeze pick up speed around me. lloyd noticed the change in winds as well, for his eyes frantically searched his surroundings. the wind was practically howling thunderously and distressingly now. there was a small hole, resembling one of a black hole, forming behind lloyd that was threatening him to swallow him up. lloyd tried to resist the suck from the hole, but it alas, my portal of void was too powerful for him.

i drew closer to him, stopping when i was a couple of inches away from him. he stared at me with wide, panicked eyes but didn't say a word. i smiled kindly before i uppercut him in a snap as he was off guard. he fell inside my void and as soon as he was in, the portal closed and i stepped back.

lloyd was gone.

i brushed off the dirt i collected from the times i fell with this fight with lloyd. i glanced towards sensei wu's direction to receive any sort of input and instruction.

"y/n," he remarked loud and clear, "that was very remarkable. it is very evident that you have trained hard with your gifted elemental powers. i congratulate you."

"thank you, sensei wu," i bowed as i replied. "but none of this would have been possible without sensei orion."

sensei orion sent a loving smile in return, conveying his gratitude for the recognition.

"now, will you please bring lloyd back?" sensei wu asked very nonchalantly.

"oh yes, of course," i answered. i turned to face away from him and with the movement of my fingers, reopened the void portal to release a very startled green ninja.

"woah," was all he commented once he was back.

i chuckled at his reaction.

"well boys and nya?" sensei wu turned to face his ninja. "what do we think?"

"she's gotta be a member, sensei wu," cole stated, then addressed me. "y/n, if you can kick lloyd's butt then you most definitely can defeat anyone that comes our way."

i mouthed a thank you and waited for the rest of the ninja to reply.

"i concur with cole," zane spoke up, "she is obviously well trained and motivated."

the fire and water ninja agreed with both of zane and cole's claims, which finally left jay and lloyd to share.

"y-y/n," he croaked, "you flipping good. like, crazy, amazingly good. she needs to join."

i grinned and thanked jay for his kind words, taking notice that nya was eyeing him suspiciously at his comment.  i shook the gesture out of my head and turned my body at lloyd, who was already staring at me. we all anticipated his response.

"she's good."

and with that, the ninja began to laugh. it wasn't meant to be funny, but i guess in the way he said it was what made it quite humorous.

"y/n, the ninja have spoken," sensei wu announced, "it looks like you are our newest member of the ninja task force. welcome to your new home, destiny's bounty."

my insides jumped up and down at the news. i really wanted to do so in real life, but i withheld it and decided to bow at sensei wu's proclamation. i spun around and approached sensei orion, who was clapping gleefully at me.

"thank you so much, sensei," i said, as i clashed into him for a big bear hug.

"of course, my child. i told you you were capable and ready. i saw this coming from the moment i adopted you from that orphanage."

it was then that the waterworks strolled in. i granted them to cascade down my cheeks, for i held my mentor, sensei, and father in my arms for one final time. he was the very reason why i was here. i was going to miss him and every day of training we shared.

this was it. i was officially a ninja now. i began to wonder what color i would get to identify myself. it didn't really matter. as long as i received the uniform and lived here, it was enough to tell me that i had made it.

if only my mother and father were here to see this. they would be so proud of me.

i let go of sensei orion and bid him farewell. the ninja pulled me towards them and all personally gave me a handshake. lloyd, however, slipped in an extra tight grip on my hand after everyone began withdrawing from the deck.

i gazed up at him with a curious look in my e/c eyes, and he gave me a very flirtatious smile. maybe that was his way to be nice and personally greet me on the team.

i didn't think much of it since i heard the call of my name from inside the ship. i entered destiny's bounty, my new home for the rest of my ninja career.


sorry this took a while guys !! been very busy with school ahhhh but hope you guys like ,, i luv u all <3

the good, the bad, and the dirty | jay, kai, and lloydOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora