"How lucky can they be?" Grandma asked, rolling her eyes. "They're dead. Besides, I've got all the luck we need." she then showed her cage which had a cricket inside, chirping gently.

"Hey, little guy..." Cherry cooed, coming closer to look at the insect.

The cricket chirped at her, smiling.

"This is your chance to prove yourself." Grandma told the cricket, covered her eyes with her free hand and walked across the street without looking both ways as there were crashes coming, trying to avoid her and crashed.

"Grandma, NO!" Li cried.

Grandma uncovered her eyes and looked around to see she made it across the street safely. She turned to the girls on the other side. "Yep, this cricket's a lucky one!"

Cherry breathed wheezily, turning pale as Peach looked excited. "Cool! I wanna be just like her when I become an old lady!"

Suddenly, the girls finally got to meet Li's daughter, Mulan. She was riding a black horse, as she was dressed in a green outfit with a flower in her hair. She jumped down in front of everyone. "I'm here!"

Li gave her a strict, scolding look.

"What?" Mulan felt the harsh gaze. "But, Mom, I had to--"

"None of your excuses, now let's get you cleaned up." Li told her, moving her in. "You can introduce yourself to your new friends later."

Cherry and Peach shared a glance together, then walked inside the bath house with the Fa women. 

Bath House Lady: This is what you got me to work with?

Well honey, I've seen worse

We're going to turn this sow's ear

Into a silk purse

Mulan was thrown into the tub and instantly shivered, holding herself. "It's freezing!"

"It would've been warm if you were here on time." Li smirked.

Mulan's hair then splashed as the bath house lady dumped a bucket of water on her to wash her. 

Bath House Lady: We'll have you washed and dried

Primped and polished til you glow with pride

Just my recipe for instant bride

You'll bring honor to us all

"Mulan, what's this?" Li asked, noticing strange marking's on her daughter's arm.

"Notes?" Mulan shrugged, innocently. "In case I forget something?"

"Hold this," Grandma handed the cricket cage to Cherry. "We're going to need more luck than I thought."

After the bath, Cherry and Peach saw that two women were combing and braiding Mulan's hair as she sat still, or at least tried to.

Women: Wait and see, when we're through

Boys will gladly go to war for you

With good fortune and a great hairdo

You'll bring honor to us all

Cherry and Peach followed Mulan and her family to another place for Mulan's makeup designs. Mulan stopped as she saw a couple of men playing checkers. One man made his move while the other seemed stumped over his next one. Mulan moved for him to allow him to win the game. Li came over and pulled Mulan away as they went in to get Mulan into proper clothes and her makeup before she would meet the matchmaker.

Women: A girl can bring her family

Great honor in one way

By striking a good match

And this shall be the day

Mulan was now being dressed by a couple of women in similar clothes.

Girls: Men want girls

With good taste

Calm, obedient, who work fast pace

With good breeding 

And a tiny waist

You'll bring honor to us all

Mulan, Cherry and Peach passed through yet another part of town. There were two boys having a sword fight match with each other. The little girl with them was playing with her toy, but one of the boys took it from her. Mulan didn't like that, so she grabbed the toy from him and handed it back to the girl who happily hugged it. 

Chorus: We all must serve our emperor

Who guards us from the Huns

A man by bearing bonds

A girl by bearing sons

In the makeup room, Cherry and Peach watched as Mulan had make-up applied to her face. The make-up woman applied the lipstick and now Mulan looked suitable enough to earn herself a husband to bring honor to her family.

Make-up Woman: When we're through

We can't fail

Like a lotus blossom,

Soft and pale

How can any fellow say 'no sale'?

You'll bring honor to us all

The Make-Up woman handed a mirror to show Mulan, Cherry, Peach and Li the new and improved Mulan.

"There," Li placed a comb with a flower on it in her daughter's hair. "You're ready."

"Not yet!" Grandma spoke up, shoving an apple in her granddaughter's mouth. "An apple for serenity, a pendent for balance."

Jewel Woman: Beads of jade for beauty

Grandma: You must proudly show it

Now add a cricket, just for luck

And even you can't blow it!

Mulan went outside as her family and new friends waved her off.

"Are we going in with her, Li?" Cherry asked, following the Fa family to look after Mulan to meet the matchmaker.

"No," Li replied. "We must wait out here. It is all up to Mulan now."

"Good, if I have to smell any more girly things I'm gonna pass out." Peach grumbled. She then rolled her eyes once Cherry came out wearing a souvenir kimono. "You are SUCH a girl!"

"I am not!" Cherry protested, folding her arms. "I'm a tomboy like you!"

"You're a lot more feminine than I am, you get easily scared like a real girl."

"Hey, you're afraid of spiders too!"


Cherry raised an eyebrow. "What does my fear of clowns have to do with this?"

Peach smiled, rather teasingly. "Wussy."

"Oh, shut up!" Cherry snapped.

"Both of you be quiet, the girls are about to be announced." Li scolded them, putting a finger to her mouth to shush them.

Mulan and the other girls bowed with their umbrellas out. That was when the matchmaker came out, surprising Peach and Cherry.

"That dude looks like a lady." Peach whispered to Cherry.

"I think that IS a lady." Cherry clarified.

"Fa Mulan." the matchmaker picked the first name on her clipboard.

"Present!" Mulan raised her hand.

"Speaking without permission." the matchmaker jotted down, going inside with Mulan.

"I don't know about you, but I don't mind bearing sons when I get married," Peach turned to Cherry. "I actually want three sons."

Cherry rolled her eyes, then continued to keep quiet until Mulan would come back outside to join them and the family. 

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