An Odd Girl

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The tavern owner looks towards Rorasu as if he has no idea what anything in his story meant. Rosaru being a fairly good looking man for a neet, or so he calls himself. His jet black hair covering the back of his neck, the top of his head tied back in a small pony tail along with his bangs so he can actually see. If he doesn't do this hair style his bangs usually always go into his eyes and it annoys him. His eyes were silver, with cat-like pupils, though he had that look, he could never see well in the dark. He was fairly built, having a six pack on him surprisingly, he was never really much of an active person though he tried to work out here and there. As for scars, his body was now healed of any old or new scars he got, which to him was nice since most were ugly.

"Okay, so assume for a second that I understood whatever the hell you meant by what you said. My first question, why did it seemed so rushed? I mean, you didn't even tell me the part about yourself and who you are. On top of that, why are you telling me, if there's a murderer then that's the city watches duty. Not mine." The owner says dismissively, not entirely sure if he should be believing what he just heard. He got back to wiping the counter he was standing behind, a young looking girl now visible.

The girl stood quite a distance behind him, almost into what seemed to be a storage room. Rorasu gives her a smile, only to watch her run deep into the room. "Ah, I spooked her.." he says silently, now looking around the tavern. It was a fairly big place, big as in 45 by 55 feet, with an upstairs with half that room since it looked more like a balcony. There was a door on the far right of the tavern that lead into an inn area, with multiple rooms for people to seek shelter in. One of those rooms being where Rorasu awoke for the first time in this new world.

The owner looks back at Rorasu and then at where the girl was. "You spooked who? There's only us here at this time of night. And it's probably because people got spooked when you fell from the sky, I mean, you don't see that too often. I understand some aliens fall from their ships, but that's usually because they lost a bet or were of no use. Never a human. And then when I brought you in here, man there was lots of backlash from customers. Most saying I should feet you to the Drav. I was tempted but my wife convinced me otherwise. Which was weird since she hates me owning this joint." He says, still rambling about how he found Rorasu and continues to ramble about his wife and lost son.

Rorasu having tuned out by now was more concerned about the aliens and went to walk out the door while the owners back was turned, only for the same small girl to grab his leg, shaking her head and saying. "You shouldn't go out just yet. Wait until morning." Before Rorasu could reply, she let go and vanished into a dark area of the tavern. 'Strange' is all Rorasu could think of to describe the girl.

"I wouldn't leave at this time if I were you. The aliens like doing their rounds and seeing as you haven't been branded, with being human and all, I'd stay indoors. They will most likely see you as a rebel or a slave and bring you back to wherever you escaped from." Rorasu turned to face the owner as the owner said this, now realizing that he can't the girl. He gives a small nod and walks back to the counter, taking his seat and looks at the drinks, all being ones he doesn't recognize.

'Guess this really is another world huh, Kirumi was telling the truth then.' Rorasu thinks to himself as he looks over the tavern one last time, not noticing the girl anymore. "So, is there any room in particular I should stay in?" He asks, looking to the left, noticing the hallway that leads to where it seems some rooms are to stay in, about 8 doors on each side of the hallway and a larger door at the end of the hallway.

The owner looks down at Rorasu, pointing down the hall and replying. "Just pick a room, but don't go into the room at the end of the hall. It's off limits to customers." He says, pouring out a drink and sliding it down the counter to the far right side of it, as if to someone. Before Rorasu could ask who it was for, a woman walks in, her clothes wet and dripping with water.

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