Slivers Of Hope, Slipping away.

Start from the beginning

Michelle smiled down at me, "Don't you look a pitiful mess." She cooed.
"You should see you from my eyes." I laughed.
"I'm sure I looked worse than this a month ago." She replied.
I paused, my smile fading, "Though I try to forget, you're right."
She wiped the ultrasound gel off of her stomach, "The size of an appleseed, yet there's already a bump there." She whispered.
I looked over at the bump, "You look gorgeous."
She smiled her beautiful smile, "So, the night of the party, huh?" she asked.
I nodded, "Or the day after, sometime."
"Well, I guess it was meant to be." She rubbed her stomach gently.
"Our little miracle." I leaned over and kissed her stomach.
"I guess my dad is going to have a meltdown." She said.
"If he doesn't know already, yeah. When he found out about the accident, he was so upset, he wanted to kill me. But your brother went toe to toe with him, and forced him to understand that this wasn't my fault, and that I was miserable with guilt over it. He finally came around, and wanted to apologize, but Chris convinced him it was better not to bother me, and wait until I was released from the hospital, or better yet, when you woke up from your coma." I told her.
"I still don't think he's going to be too happy about this." She laid back on the bed.
"Like it matters. The baby is there, it has a pulse, and there's no taking it back now. He's going to have to deal with it." I said.
"You look uncomfortable." She commented.
"These casts are miserable. I'm ready to be able to crawl in bed with you and hold you until we fall asleep." I told her.
She smiled, "That's not all you're ready to do. I guarantee that you want to crawl in bed with me and do something else."
"Well of course I am, it's already been five weeks, now I have to wait two more. It's misery."
"Oh, but think of how amazing it will be when we get to again." She cooed.
"I'm going to blow like a volcano as soon as you touch it." I laughed.
"Shut up, even after two months, I still think you have more endurance than that." She laid back.

"They'd better bring me some food, I'm about to starve to death. That feeding tube kept me alive, but whatever they were funneling through it is not sustaining my conscious hunger." She checked her phone, dialing Mike's number.
"Hey, I'm about to pass out again from starvation, you guys bringing us some edible food?" She asked.
"I don't care, after this long, anything will do. Just bring me anything. The baby is starving too. It's a wonder we didn't both starve to death on that feeding tube." She laughed.
"Okay, I'll see you guys soon." she hung up, and put her phone down.
"Pizza is what we get." She said.
"I can live with that. You think the feeding tube was bad, at least you didn't have to suffer trying to eat the hospital cafeteria food." I laughed.
"I've had hospital food, it's bad." She agreed.
"So, um, with everything going on, and the fact that we're getting married, would you like to move in with me?"
She smiled, "I thought that was the plan."
"Just wanted to make sure that's what you wanted to do, before just assuming you were doing it." I shrugged.
"Where else would I live, but with my husband and our baby?" She asked.
"I'm not your husband yet." I smiled.
"It won't be long, trust me." She replied.

The door opened, Mike walking in with three pizza boxes.
"Here, you animal." He dropped one in Michelle's lap.
"You don't want to see the animal in me come out." She flipped the lid of the box open and grabbed a piece of pizza, handing it to me, and then grabbing one for herself.

"I don't think I've ever known pizza to taste this damn good." I muttered through a mouthful.
"Didn't anyone ever teach you not to talk with your mouth full?" Joe joked.
I looked at Chester, who shakes his head, "I'm not touching that one." he shoved another bite in his mouth.
"No comment." I finally said.
"Did you bring something to drink?" I asked.
"Your soda is on the table." Mike pointed.
I drank half of it in one gulp.
"Slow down, damn." Chester said.
"I'm literally starving."

Dr. Sampson came in, "Afternoon again, all. Did I miss the ceremony?" He asked.
"Not yet. But we're going to have things in order soon." I answered.
"Good." He started to say something else, but the door opened.
My smile slid off my face.
"Dad?" I asked.
"You're okay." He hugged me.
Chester had a look on his face that said he wanted to beat the shit out of him, but he knew he couldn't.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, coldly.
"You're still my daughter, and I still love you, even if I don't agree with your decisions. And right now, I'm glad you're alive." he responded, stepping back.
"But you're here to chastise me, and make me move back in with Gabi."
"Look, you don't have to go to Gabi's, but I think it's best for you if you go somewhere. Before you end up in a situation where I lose you. I don't want you to ruin your life."
"I guess nobody told you the good news, then." I held up my left hand, my ring glimmering in the sunlight.
He turned on Chester, "You've got my baby fooled into thinking you love her." He said.
"I do love her." He snapped.
"I wasn't finished, dad. I have more news to share." I looked at Chester.
I reached over to the table and picked up the ultrasound photos, handing them to him, "You're going to be a grandpa again." I said.
He looked at the pictures, then at me, with tears in his eyes.
But they weren't tears of joy, they were tears of anger.
"You've ruined her!" He turned on Chester, fists balled in anger.
"I've saved her, you're just so overprotective, that anyone who doesn't fit into your ideals is dangerous. I'm getting her away from you." Chester struggled to get out of the wheelchair, fury in his eyes.
"This is why I had her on birth control, because I knew someone like you would take advantage of the fact that she's an alcoholic, and I didn't want her to end up with a baby she never wanted. I didn't want her to end up like her mother." He said.
"She does want this baby. You don't know your daughter anymore. I never took advantage of shit, she wanted to have sex with me just as badly as I wanted her." The inability to move only pissed him off more.
"She doesn't know what she wants. I've known her since she took her first breath, and after everything Marie put her through, I vowed to protect her from anyone and anything that would hurt her again, including herself." My dad stepped toward me, hand out to grab me.
"She doesn't need you to protect her anymore." Chester seethed.
"And you can think all you want, that I took advantage of her that night, but the next morning, and every day after, when no alcohol had touched either of our lips, she chose me. She wanted me."
"You can't take advantage of someone who's of sound mind." I interejected.
"Whoever said YOU were of sound mind?" My dad asked.
I looked around at everyone, standing their ground until called on, or needed, and back at my dad, "Just because mom is a lunatic, doesn't mean I am."
"You act just like she did." Dad was trying to hurt me.
"No, because never in my life would I allow someone to do to my daughter what mom did to me. I'd never hurt her the way mom hurt me." I glared at him.
He reared his arm back to slap me, and I closed my eyes and braced for it.
"You'd better not fucking touch her." Chester pulled himself into a standing position to the best of his ability, dragging his leg cast across the floor, "Because if you do, I will end you here and now." he was holding himself up on the edge of the bed.
"She's recovering from a brain injury, you god damn psychopath." Mike stepped forward.
"It's his fault she's here in the first place." My dad said.
"No it isn't." I argued.
"It's your fucking fault she's in here. A good, supportive father never would have made his daughter think she had to run away to be happy." Chester said.
"Who's fault is it that she's carrying YOUR bastard child?" My dad shoved him, knocking him off balance.
Chester grabbed for the bedrail, but missed and hit the floor.
I tried to help him up, but I still couldn't move either.
He groaned, and coughed.
Mike and Joe helped him back into the wheelchair.
I looked at my dad, "For the record, it's MY fault that I'm pregnant. Because I chose to lay down and spread my legs. I wasn't planning on getting pregnant, but I made a mistake, and I'm going to bear the consequences. Now leave, and if you come within a mile of me again, I'll have you arrested." I kicked him in the leg with the one good leg I had.

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