I See London...

Începe de la început

Heather and Gwen smirk at Yuna as she blushes and looks at the ground hoping Alejandro wasn't noticing her which he was.

Noah: *Mocking Yuna* "I'm too embarrassed to say but if i had to say it would have to be....."

Yuna punches his arm and looks away from him with Uteki jumping onto Alejandro's lap whining sadly as he glares at Noah.

Alejandro: "Excuse me gentleman and lady but I need to be.... anywhere but here!"

Uteki follows him as Yuna sighs in sadness with Sierra patting her shoulder in comfort as she smiles back.

Yuna starts worrying about Alejandro as the plane starts to shake with Chris talking to the contestants over the intercom.

Chris: *Intercom* "Attention passengers we have been denied permission to land so you going have to jump and Chef may have miscounted the Parachutes so you might to grab one before there gone"

The contestants run into the elimination room grabbing parachutes as quickly as possible with Yuna using her staff to levitate her safety onto the ground as her hair blows softly through the wind unaware of someone watching her.

Confessionals Starts

Yuna: "Watashi wa Aj ga daijōbuda to watashi wa kare ga hikōki ya Uteki kara tobidasu no o minakatta koto o negatte imasu!" (I hope Aj is okay I didn't see him jump out of the plane or Uteki!!!) *Realises what she had just said and blushes*

Confessionals End

Yuna's Point Of View
As I landed onto the ground I was shocked we were in London, England I've always wanted to go here see the sights and maybe try to make the guards laugh.

We had to board a double decker bus which was very different to what I saw online in pictures but still a unique experience.

I sat behind Owen and Noah waiting to see Alejandro enter but he never did before Chef made the bus faster as I held onto the seat balancing myself as he began talking in a bad British accent.

Chris: "London.... home to Scotland Yard, the world's biggest crime busting outfit but there was one case even Scotland Yard couldn't crack.... Jack The Ripper!!!!"

I gasped along with Team Amazon but I could feel the fear rising from within me.

Chris: "The wacko serial killer who terrorised Victorian London, Today You'll be tracking that bad boy down but be careful... Jack's also haunting you down!  That's why Team Chris is really really really really hot is now short handed!"

Owen: "The ripper got Al?! Not Al!!"

Me: "How could that be possible I mean no offence but Alejandro is the most strongest player on our team!"

Noah: "Someone has a crush!!"

I smacked him on the back of the head hiding my blush from my teammates as to not being weak to my teammates.

We stopped outside the Tower of London and it was far bigger than I imagined not to mention I felt the pressure of making Alejandro proud of our team... where ever he is.

We had to strip the guards down in order to find a clue which seemed unsuitable for Tv but than this is Total Drama after all.

To make matters worse we then had to sing making me shake my head at the circumstances that came with it.

Song Starts

Owen: It's creepy how they stand there,

and don't even blink! I don't wanna see his bum, all naked and pink!

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