Chapter 17: Girls Night

Start from the beginning

Training went as usual, you and Toshi just going over different combat techniques. No one else joined you that day, mostly because they didn't see it necessary anymore. Toshinori was more than capable of training you alone for one day. Even Gran Torino seemed comfortable letting Toshinori take the reigns, which surprised you most of all. Your training as of late had lulled into a normal routine. Things were becoming easier, and your body didn't feel like it was on the verge of collapse after every session anymore. It seemed particularly uneventful.

"So, Saffron wants me to come over tonight," you mentioned casually between blows directed at your teacher.

"Really?" He asked, swiftly dodging the kick aimed at his legs. You couldn't read his voice. It seemed equal parts surprised and happy for you. "What are you going to do?"

"I think she wants to go clubbing," you said with disdain, ducking under his arm as it swung towards you.

He hesitated a moment. The previous excitement was replaced with concern."Clubbing?"

You used it as an opportunity to land a swift kick to his side. He didn't flinch, but you still knew it was a pretty solid kick. A normal person would've been knocked over. You smiled in satisfaction. "Yeah. Like going out to the clubs and drinking."

"Are you... are you gonna go?" He asked, stopping combat all together. He crossed his arms and looked at you pointedly. You straightened yourself and wiped the sweat from your brow. What was up with him?

"I dunno. Clubbing isn't really my thing... but I do like spending time with Saffron. And I'd get to meet her girlfriend."

"I see..." he bit at his bottom lip. "At night?"

"Yeah.... that kinda stuff usually happens at night."

"That sounds dangerous... would you like me to go with you? Just to keep you safe."

You snickered a little bit. "I think we'll be fine, Toshi. It's supposed to be a girls night, you know? Even though I'll be third wheeling... Plus, don't you have more important things to do than chaperone?"

"Well... I just don't like the idea of you three going out at night... it's dangerous! And all the skeevy men in clubs trying to pick up women... who knows what they'll do!" His voice was tinged with aggravation at the mention of other men hitting on the three of you.

"People do it all the time, Toshi. And it's a weekday. I'm sure no one is out prowling around on a wednesday."

"Well, there's always a chance. Villainy doesn't only work nine to five!" He argued.

You sighed deeply, "Tosh, It's fine. I'll be with Saffron and her girlfriend. Plus, I've been training with you for a few weeks. I can take care of myself!"
"That's true... But yesterday you got attacked at the prison! You're injured!"

You rolled your eyes and instinctually touched your jaw. "I'm already healed! You really just don't want me to go clubbing, huh?"

His mouth scrunched up and he looked away. "I just... want you to be safe!"

"I appreciate that Toshi, but I'm going tonight. It'll be fine. If anything happens I'll just call you or something! I'm an adult! You don't have to worry."

That didn't do much to quell his fears, but he knew you were right: You were an adult. He couldn't tell you what to do. He tried to convince himself that you'd be fine, but he was still terrified that something would happen to you... and Saffron of course.

"Well, if you're sure. You promise you'll call me if something goes wrong?"

"I promise, mom" You snickered. He rolled his eyes back at you.

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