I'll look after you

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Dj pon3's pov.
When class was over I heard a very loud bang between the lockers I went to go see what was going on I looked around and see bullies bullying another kid with a black hoodie I can't stand people doing this to other people so I walk up to them to stop the them "HEY LEAVE HIM ALONE!" they looked at me one of them came up to me with a freaking knife HOW IN THE HELL DID THEY GET A KNIFE WTF anyway I backed up I'm scared  to even fight them I feel something in my stomach that's hurting so much the boy in the black hoodie looked at me my hands raise up to make them to stay away from me I feel the heat inside of my hands and then something happened.

I burst them away with my hands and all of them hit the wall I couldn't believe what I just did do I have powers  I looked at the boy who is still sitting there in shocked I walk up to him and pulled out my hand to help him up and grab my hand and looked at me "um are you ok?" I asked he was wearing a mask "yeah I'm ok....so your pon3?" He asked I tilted my head of confusion how does he know my name " yes how do you know my name?" I asked he take off his mask and my eyes wide "Chris told me about you and my name is Alan." He said I grab his hand and we walked out of the Ally me and Alan went to our classes and Chris sit next to us we both say hi to him and he say hi back once class started I notice Joel was looking at Chris I tap Chris's shoulder "uhh Chris Joel is looking at you." I whispered he just shrugged and said "well let him see me he's hungry."
"Woah your gay?" I question Chris blushed and look away "s-shut up." He demanded and I just chuckled and said "ok find I'll leave your thsudere tail alone.

"EXCUSE MEH." He whispered a little loudly "oh you know what I mean." (ுωு)/✿.

|After class|

Alan's pov.
It was already lunchtime and to be honest I have to honest I'm not that hungry I wanted to go to my dorm but pon3 and Chris dragged me to the lunch room" NOOOO why m I here." I whined pon3 force me to sit on the table "Alan you need to eat your not starving yourself sir." She said Chris was getting a little aggressive "Alan plz just eat your  fucking food" he begged so I decide to give up and eat disgusting school food "FIIIIIINE you guys suck." I pouted "weeee dooon't care alan." Pon3 said as I pouted even more as we got our lunch I didn't even eat "um are you gonna eat your food?"

He question and I have and evil smirk on my face "oh I lied." I said pon3 just give me the face of wtff(what the flying fuck) I did a evil laugh both of them were so disappointed...in meme way so Chris has to start the conversation "so Alan if you want to learn more about pon3 she has a little crush on slushii~" Chris cooed as pon3 hit him on the shoulder "WHY U LYING." She yelled I chuckled a little and Chris started laughing I'm so glad we have a new friend.

Chris's pov.
While we were hanging out I notice this dude hitting the table with anger he was cursing the hell out of those other people and I think Alan and pon3 noticed too "geez what's up with him?" Pon3 question me and Alan just shrugged and this dude started to throw food everywhere nobody was looking at him execpt for us until he noticed us the three of us turned away quickly as we could as he screamed our names "HOW THE FUCK DID HE KNOW OUR NAMES!?" Alan loudly whisper pon3 just responded I don't know I was scared because I never liked fights last year I got punched int the lip which it Hurts he splash milk all over pon3 "HEY WHY U DO THAT!?" She screamed.

She was about to throw punches but and Alan hold her down and Alan pulled her away leaving me because I told them to this guy is about to do something but Joel blocked the way 
"J-joel!?" I studdard he didn't say anything and then they started to fight everyone was crowding around so I couldn't get out of it the teachers were trying to stop the fight but the y wouldn't stop and it was the end of the day and I was lying on my bed it was Friday so I don't have to worry about anything I was starting getting confused so I texted alan.

She was about to throw punches but and Alan hold her down and Alan pulled her away leaving me because I told them to this guy is about to do something but Joel blocked the way  "J-joel!?" I studdard he didn't say anything and then they started to ...

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Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

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Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

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