The Road to Viridian City

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The next morning I woke up to see my twin sister leaning over me. "Time to wake up sleepy head!" She shouts at me as I get up. 

"I'm up I'm up," I say as I get out of bed and Eevee pops onto my head. Garvulis smiles at me as we both head downstairs and exit our home.

Before leaving, I'm stopped by Trace's sister. "Oh, just look at Eevee! You two are already looking like great partners. And I got the perfect little gift for such a great team! Here, take this." She gives me sportswear for Eevee. 

Eevee then jumps from my head to my arm as I pet him making him happy. I smile at him.

"Garvulis would be so proud of you." Trace's sister said as I look to my sister who was smiling at me.

"She is," I say before we enter Route 1.

I let out my Pidgey as my sister is followed by Rattata and I receive a potion from the man from before. I play with Pidgey as my sister runs around with Rattata.

Once we reach the end of the route Pidgey finds a berry in a bush then a trainer decides to battle us.

I toss out Eevee while my sister sends out Rattata. Trainer Ronny sent out Rattata who was one hit K.O.ed by Eevee.

We exit Route 1 and see Trace. I smile at him.

"Huh? you look pleased about something, Kaylub."

"Yeah, I just beat a trainer."

"Oh, you beat another trainer? Good job! Well, since we're on the topic...The pokemon you sent into battle might've lost some HP or should take 'em to a Pokemon Center and get them healed up! Just remember-heal up after battles!" He then rushes off as I look to my sister who just shrugs and the two of us are off into Viridian City.

Garvulis drags me off down Route 22. "I wanna catch some new friends," she says as we travel in the tall grass. At her call, a Spearow flew at us. We both threw a Pokeball and caught our newest friend. We also caught a Nidoran F, and a Nidoran M. 

Then, as we were walking the path, Trace happens to be ahead of us. "Oh! Hey, Kaylub! You hoping to make it to the Pokemon League someday, too? That's where you can battle the strongest of all pokemon trainers...The ones they call the Elite Four! I was hoping to catch a glimpse of 'em, but the guard at the gate wouldn't even let me pass without any badges from Pokemon Gyms! Guess I'll just have to get there the long way: by battling and getting strong! So, Kaylub! I guess that means it's on!" We then battle.

I let Eevee out to battle as my sis sends out Rattata. Eevee takes out his Pidgey with a single Quick Attack, and his Pikachu goes down after both pokemon use Quick Attack making my sis and I the winners.

"Hmm...Maybe battling like this is just helping you get stronger, huh, Kaylub?" I give a sheepish giggle in return. "Oh well! That works, too! Let's train hard so that someday we both make it to the Pokemon league!" He then rushes off.

I see Eevee jump off my head and onto my arm. "I'm glad we battled again." He says as I pet him. 

"Me too," I say before he hops back onto my head. 

We then leave Route 22 and head back to Viridian City where we then head north to Route 2 where we catch a Caterpie.

"Ready to go sis?" I ask looking over to my twin who gives a nod.

"Let's do this." We then enter Viridian Forest. I switch Pidgey with Nidoran M as we prepare to go through the forest. 

She instantly runs off into the tall grass so excited to meet new pokemon and I follow her catching Kakuna, Weedle, and Metapod. We also battled 4 trainers before my sister swore she heard a Pikachu calling out.

"I swear I hear it!" She said as I followed her around.

"I believe you, just I'm sure it was further ahead." She pouts as I soon spot two Beedrill attacking a small, female Pikachu. We catch the Beedrill as Pikachu rushes over to us.

"Thank you so much!" I nod as I hold out my Pokeball and she joins our team. Garvulis lets her out to be with her as she followed my sis around.

We battle 3 more trainers before finally leaving the forest. Our Caterpie from before fully evolved into a Butterfree by the time we entered Pewter City.

Sis decided it would be best to take a break within the Pokecenter before battling the gym. I agree with her and enter getting a room for us.

We enter the room as Grvulis plops onto her bed and I go over to mine.

Eevee jumped onto my arm as I petted my partner. Garvulis was sitting with Pikachu playing with her as then Eevee patted my cheek. I look to him and High-five him a couple of times as he lets out the happiest sound. I giggle as he then sneezes. He then jumps off my arm and runs off before returning within his mouth was a present. I open it to find inside a Chalky Stone. 

"Thanks, Eevee," I say as I pet him.

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