Chapter 5

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I awoke to a great smell filling the air. "Mom must be making breakfast" I thought. As I rolled over however I didn't recognise this bed as my own it was much more uncomfortable. Then my eyes shot open as the events of last night came flooding back . I wasn't at home, I was in the land of Ooo in the bed of Marceline the vampire queen. I laughed quietly to myself. last night wasn't a dream, it was a beautiful reality that I was going to make the most of. With a new spring in my step I happily strolled downstairs following the great scent of food. I realised how hungry I actually was. I hadn't eaten since my arrival and I could eat a horse.

"Morning sleepy head" Marceline greeted from the kitchen busy at work with breakfast. "Morning" I replied chirpilly glad to see her happy to see me. Without thinking about it I crashed on to the couch which was a big mistake. I felt like I'd just been hit by a freight train and gave a loud "oof!" upon impact. This reaction prompted a cackle to chime from the kitchen as Marceline came around the corner two plates of food in her hands. "I knew it would get you" she said with a smirk. I simply rolled my eyes and accepted the plate she handed to me grinning and saying Thank you before digging in. It was a messy mix of: Bacon, eggs, hash browns and tomato. The tomato that Marceline had took the majority of as she loved the taste of the red.

She wore a black apron which she went to put back into the kitchen before eating her food and as she walked off I loudly said after her "cute apron" and smiling at my little remark. I get that I was flirting but maybe that was what I wanted. I wanted Marceline to like me back and who knows maybe more than that. I noticed that Marceline was still lingering in her kitchen causing me to wonder what she was up to. Moments later she returned a slight blush lingering on her cheeks causing me to smile at my handy work. She was lingering because she didn't want me to catch her blushing. "She's so cute" I thought to myself eventually finishing my meal. Finally she spoke "so um
(Y/N)" she spoke between bites "I'll give you some directions to the candy kingdom. I'm sure PB will have a place where you can stay. "C-can you come with me. I'm really not good with directions" you lied, you were great with directions but were looking desperately for an excuse to spend more time with her. She looked at you for a while contemplating what to do before she agreed with a smile standing up and taking both your plates and popping them in the sink.

Marceline went to get changed and I politley waited in the living room when she returned wearing her sun hat and yellow sleeves to protect her from the sun. She also wore a red dress with red boots and jeans. One word to describe her; stunning.
"it'll be nice to go make fun of PB anyway" she said causing me to get a little annoyed and jealous internally. I knew Bubbline was a very popular ship but from what I've seen so far they weren't together which reignited my hopes of being with her.

We walked, well I walked marceline floated, through the beautiful landscapes of Ooo: The seemingly endless feilds I was familiarised with from my arrival; The towering mountains of the ice kingdom where I knew the ice king would be somewhere lurking with in and the mystic creatures I could never even imagine some cute and some downright terrifying. Finally the tall towers of the candy kingdom filled the landscape. As we got closer the smell of the place took over my senses. From what the show had presented I expected it to be subtle and sweet, a lovely blend of vibrant flavours mixed together in perfect harmony. Instead it was sickly and overpowering. It was simply too sweet and made me feel a little queezy to be honest. I scrunched my nose up in disgust. Marceline looked over and looked concerned which made me feel warm inside. (Y/N) are you ok?" she asked the same air of concern lingering in her voice. "How do you deal with this place!?" I said with disgust. She just laughed and shrugged "I guess you just get used to it after a while" she chuckled. "Yeah I sure hope so" I responded trying to remove the scowl from my face.

We reached the gates and they were closed and didn't seem like they were gonna open for a while. "Here I'll float us over" she said opening her arms and smiling" "I-I'm not the biggest fan of heights" I muttered laughing nervously. "oh shush it won't take long" she said scooping me up in her arms and flying up. I closed my eyes tightly and pulled her closer squeezing her tightly. In this small interaction I took the opportunity to take in every aspect of her amazing self burying my face into her shoulder clinging on for dear life. Finally our feet touched the ground but I didn't let go wanting to make the most of this moment. "Um (Y/N) y-you can let go now" she said chuckling and ruffling my hair. I let go and blushed looking down feeling highly awkward "S-sorry" I muttered under my breath. She came over and gently lifted my head up smiling at me reassuringly "don't worry about it (Y/N)". She began walking and I had to jog a little to catch up to her. "Glob you're cute" she said under her breath barely audible but I made it out clear as day. It sent a flood of warmth through my body and a huge smile lit my face. Maybe she does like me back. Just maybe...

Thanks everyone for reading don't forget to vote and comment improvements love you all xxx

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