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I'm sorry this one is so late (again). My laptop broke and I have to take it to get fixed but I'm too lazy so I made this one my phone but i suck at typing on my phone so i'm really sorry.
_____________________________Loki had sat on the bed for about an hour. He was reciting and perfecting his plan to bring you back. It was risky and it would maybe cost him his life. But you were worth it. In his mind you were worth everything.

He stood up eventually. He had decided to go to Heimdall and ask him to be teleported to F/N's house. Once on earth Loki walked up to a house. Transformed himself into a UPS guy (not sponsored) and knocked. "Good day miss". He said to the woman opening the door. "I have a package for F/F/N?" The woman raised and eyebrow. "I'll call her". The woman yelled towards a stairway. And F/N walked downstairs. "I didn't order anything". She exclaims. Loki smiles friendly at her. "It's from a certain Y/N". He says. F/N's eyes widen and she smiles. "Oh!" She says. And signed to the other woman to go away.

When the woman had left the hallway Loki transformed back into his everyday skin. "How is Y/N!!" F/N said excitedly. Loki kept a straight face. "Not well, can I talk to you outside for a minute?" F/N worryingly grabbed her keys. Stepped outside her house and closed the door. Loki signed for her to walk with him for a while. "I am going to give you some shocking news". He said. "But I don't want you to freak out, there will be a way for her to come back". Confused F/N looked Loki's way. "What do you mean?" She said.

"Y/N passed away, she tried to heal my father and took a huge risk. She lost more then 60% of her own blood. She didn't make it. She lost too much blood.." Loki wanted to continue and tell F/N that it was going to be ok. That he could save you and that she shouldn't cry. But it was too late. F/N had stopped walking and was on her knees. She sat there staring at a stone. "She's dead?" She asked. Loki nodded. "Indeed she is". F/N sat there for a minute, trying to not cry. And soon enough, just like with Loki, her sadness turned into rage and anger.

"And you let that happen!!?" Loki stepped back. "Your aren't even sad about it! You are the worst person Y/N has ever met in her life! You don't even care about her!!" F/N wept. Loki looked at her. He was as angry as before and he grabbed her arm. He looked her in the eyes. "Don't ever say I didn't care for her. I mourned for her for days. I am about to risk the universe for her. Don't you dare say that I don't care about her". F/N became quieter. "Sorry, I just can'f believe she's gone". Loki let go of her arm. "She isn't." F/N looked at the ground. "What's your plan?" She finally asked Loki.

"Somewhere on Midgard there is an infinity stone that controls time". Loki explained. "What's an infinity stone?" F/N's eyes curiously looked at Loki. "Uh, basically a magic rock". He then said. It pleased F/N's curiosity enough that she would let Loki continue. "The stone is being guarded in a place in New York. But the ancient one is guarding it". "Who's that?" F/N interrupted. "She is a witch. She practices magic in New York and teaches it to people who need it".

"Need it like what?" F/N asked. "Mostly people with disabilities that have no other way of being cured and really want to be". F/N nodded. "Okay, and how do we get that stone then?" Loki shrugged "I'm not sure". "You're what!?? So you're telling me this whole plan to bring my best friend back and you're not even sure how to do that?" Loki sighed and stopped walking. F/N did the same. "It's the only thing I know that may bring Y/N back. And I need her back". F/N sighed. "I need her back too. But I feel like it's wrong". Loki motioned that it wouldn't be a big deal and turned around to go back to F/N's house.

"I will pick you up tomorrow and we will go to New York." Loki left F/N standing in front of her home. She opened the door and walked inside. This was crazy. You could never bring someone back from the death could you? F/N sat on the bed and was doubting if she should call Josh. Over all she didn't know if he could know. But she wanted to tell someone and Loki wasn't there.

She sighed and looked at her phone. Your name was in her contacts right next to Josh's. She wanted to just hear you voice. To just call you up. So she did. Without a real reason. She was probably just hoping to hear your voicemail. The phone rang.



Then. Someone picked up. F/N heart jumped. Was it you?

" Hello F/N" a male voice said. "You might be wondering why but I have been expecting your call" F/N didn't say a word. "I can hear you're scared F/N. But don't be. There is nothing bad going to happen if you let death do his job. Y/N isn't meant to be back. She's meant to remain dead". "Who is this?" F/N asked. She heard a laugh come from the other side of the phone. "You don't recognize the voice of your own boyfriend?"

Immediately F/N felt a shiver down her spine. "Why?" Was all she could ask. "I'm..." he hesitated. "Look F/N. I know I should've said this sooner but I'm not exactly human". There was a silence. "What do you mean?" She asked. "I work for death. And he doesn't want Y/N to resurrect".

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