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You can listen to the song for more emotions. If it is done, play it again.

I was still in Finn's arms. My cheeks burned and my heart was broken. I never felt like that before. I felt empty. The only thing what kept me alive was Finn.

"I-I-I.......what can we do? W-We need to-to do something. plan a funeral. I-I need to do that. D-D-D you....know...." I was so done. I tried to think about something else. "Grace.....c-calm down" Finn said. I could hear he was crying too. "We need to do something!" I said. My throat burned and my eyes burned too. I broke away from the hug and looked down to Jack's dead body. There was blood everywhere. It made my heart burn even more. He didn't deserve this.

The fact that he looked like he was sleeping made everything worse. Finn took my hand. I knew he suffered too. Jack was his best friend. And now he was dead. We sat there for a long time and cried out our pain.

The day of Jack's funeral was very emotional. There were some friends I didn't know and of course me and Finn. It was also very beautiful. Finn held my hand the whole time. Jack's funeral was on a very beautiful graveyard. With flowers and plants. The pastor spoke things out of his book and then we buried Jack in his coffin.

After everyone left Finn and I were still there. In front of his gravestone.

Jack Dylan Grazer
Born- September 3, 2003
Died- August 16, 2018
A brother, a friend and an angel

I buried my face into Finn's neck and tried not to cry. He stroke my head. We left then and drove back to Jack's home in a taxi.

After a while we arrived at his home and I sat down on the sofa. I looked down. Why me? Why Jack? Why this all? Was this even everything?

"Finn.....please don't leave me. Never ever. You're the only person I have." I said and sniffed. "No.....No I will never leave you. Of course not. Why do you ask that?" Finn said and sat down next to me. "I-I-I don't know. I lost everyone. I don't want to loose you too." I said and buried my face into finn's neck. "I'll never leave you. I promise." he said in a soft voice.

It was 2 days after the funeral. I was a little bit happier but my heart was still broken. I didn't know how to do that all. My mum pretended to love me and now she's gone. My dad is a criminal and tried to kill me. Now he's dead too. My house wasn't my house anymore. I've been through everything. Finn almost died. A girl called Lia tried to kill me. Two times. I almost died. And now Jack was dead too. And the worst was, it was my fault. If I had not gone down, Jack would probably be still alive. I never felt so broken and empty in my life. Finn was all I got. I mean we slept in the house of our dead friend. Was this even the end of everything?

Finn still slept in our room and I sat in the living room. I went to the fire place and turned it on. It was still dark outside but the sky was beautiful as always. My gaze went to the big windows. The moon was very beautiful at this time. The fire warmed me up and a the soft carpet calmed me down. That's what I did the past days. I said down, turned on the fire place and sat down on the soft carpet. It always calmed me down. I felt heavy. My heart felt heavy. What was I suppose to do now?

I sat there for a while until Finn came down. He looked very exhausted and sad. He came in the living room and saw me. "What are you doing here at this time?" he said exhausted. I shrugged and he sat down next to me. "Is everything ok?" I asked him and laid my head down on his shoulder. "Y-Yeah." he said and wrapped an arm around me. But he acted very weird. I knew something was wrong with him. "Finn.....we've been through everything and you still have secrets." I said and laughed a little bit. He said nothing.


Something was definitely wrong. "Finn tell me what's wrong with you." I said and looked at him. He looked at me and then at the floor. I knew he wouldn't tell me what was wrong with him. I had to do something.

After a while Finn stood up and went to the kitchen. What was going on with him? I was scared. I didn't want to loose him too. But he acted so weird. The past two days he was also like that. He came down, looked sad and exhausted and went to the kitchen. What was going on with him? I knew he suffered because of Jack but that wasn't him. He wasn't himself anymore.

I turned off the fire place and sat down on the sofa. I had to find out what was going on with him.

After a while, it was brighter outside, I stood up and went to the window. I noticed it was raining a little bit. Wow. The weather was perfect for this day. Everything was weird. The only thing Finn did was to go upstairs, into our room or to go to the sofa. What if he wasn't in love with me anymore?

This thought made my heart fall to the ground.

963 words

𝐈𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 💵Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ