On the run

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I use some of my strength to rip off the straight jacket ,when it works I run I'm not thinking twice of looking back now ,I need to you rest of the speed I have if I'm going to make it out of here. I start running down all the halls I remember there is a window in one of the labs ,if I make it there before the security ,then I'm sure I'll make it "Dani it's time ,RUN!!"

I do as the voice says ,soon I'm in the laboratory ,I don't see anyone "DANI!" ,fuck caught...

"Hello Lauren..." "You're running again?" I turn to face Lauren ,funny thing with her is that you can see right through her ,basically like a hologram but if she were to touch you ,you would fell it. "This is my only chance to get out here for good ,please understand..." Lauren looked at me as if she was... Happy? I've never seen her smile before "well dani ,I hope you find your happiness and freedom. By the way in the middle if the forest there is a wishing well ,'he' will find you there. Good luck child!" Lauren reach out towards me but really she was reaching to the window behind me ,with that it smashed.

"There she is after her!!" With that I run out the window. I land on my two feet ,just like a cat would do If it were to jump ,I soon find myself running through the woods looking for the wishing well Lauren was talking about. Who is 'he' exactly ,that's what I want to know...


"My lord ,the asylum has finally broken free.." "Tell 'him' that he is to bring her to me, then we shall decide" "yes ,my lord"


I did it I'm free ,I don't see anyone chasing me anymore ,freedom... Is this what It feels like but there's more... Happiness?

"Hello new asylum ,you should come with us"

(A/N I know it's short but yeah I'll work on it ,hope you enjoyed this chapter ,I might right another one later 😊 ,yeah I'm not always going to put in a ' 'meanwhile' ,well I have to go bai ~~Vick Le Asylum ❤️)

Violet DYI~mentionsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt