Entrance exam time!

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*(Y/N)'s POV*

As everyone unloaded the bus, I became a little more quieter do to the fact that I'm nervous.

Jiro told me that everything would be fine, and I believed her. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

I then got ready. I had shorts on and a shirt with sneakers. As long as I can move quickly in this, I'll be fine.

I quickly did some lunges and jogged in place to get warmed up. What am I gonna do when I get in there? Should I scan the area? What if the place is to large for me to scan? Should I just go for it?

All these questions were racing through my mind as someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey are you okay?" Asked a boy with red spiky hair.

A girl with pink skin and hair also chimed in (Author: With a haven't you people ever heard of closing a- oh right the story, carry on!) "Yeah you seem to be spacing out, are you okay?"

"Oh yeah! Thanks for checking on me. Oh and I'm (Y/n) (L/n), it's nice to meet you two." I said embarrassed.

"Wow! Just able to pick yourself back up like that! How manly! Anyways, I'm Eijiro Kirishima." The red hair said.

"Hey nice to meet you too! I'm Mina Ashido!" The pink girl replied.

Although as if on cue, Jiro came out of the dressing room. "Hey Jiro, over here!" I yelled to get her attention.

"Heya (L/n), who are these guys?" She asked.

I introduced her to Ashido and Kirishima. But during the introductions Ashido interrupted me saying: "Oh, you can call me Mina!"

"Then you can call me (Y/n)." I smiled towards her request feeling like j was fitting in a bit.

That's when Present Mic had came out and was ready to let us begin our exam.

"Alright well good luck to all of you!" I nodded towards them as they went into running positions.

"Ready....." Began Present Mic. "BEGIN!"

I started jogging till I found an enemy, I quickly striked it down with a bolt of electricity.

Robots? Should be really easy considering my advantage.

I crouched down and started to scan my surroundings I'm trying to scan fast and already finding tons of villains!

I teleported to the nearest one and shocked it. Awesome!

Although I see Mina-chan again as she's taking care of tons of those things! She has some sort of acid for a quirk... Weird, but cool!

I better step up my game or I'll fail!

I teleported once again and found two enemies at the same time. Score!

When I almost attacked them a boy with blonde hair and a weird smile trying to steal my kills! Not on my watch. He was currently using Mina's trying to destroy the bots.

I shocked all of them and ran past the boy saying "Sorry but I needed that!"

He gave an even more weirder expression and almost said something before I left. Just then I seen Jiro putting her earphone on a building.

"Jiro?! What's wrong?!" I asked concerned.

"(Y/n)... Something big is coming, we have to run-" She said before a huge rumble was heard.

We both looked up to see a giant robot walking torwards us.

"(Y/n) c'mon! Let's go!" She said while pulling my arm.

I was still shocked at this and stood there. I snapped back to reality then said, "Go Jiro! I wanna take this one!"

I scanned the building as quick as I could and telelorted on top of it.

I got a better view and saw all of the students running for there lives.

That's when I had heard a cry.

"Wait! Please anybody help me!" A female voice cried.

I quickly teleported down to the floor.

"Hello? I heard a cry for help! Where are you?" I exclaimed.

"Ah thank you so much!" Said the voice, I felt something grab on me.

"Okay, stay right here I need to scan you too-" I began. I turned around to see nobody there.

"Got it." Said the voice.

"Um... Sorry, but where are you exactly?"

"I'm right here!"

"No you're not..."

"Oh sorry I need to mention that my quirk is invisibility." She said.

"Oh, okay then let me teleport you to the beginning of the site. But first, I need you to hold my hand so I can scan you." I replied.

I felt something touch my hand, I quickly scanned it and teleported to the front of the site where there was other students at.

Without another word, I left again to face that giant robot.

I then teleported to the top and scanned the building again to electrify it. I then send shocks at my shoes, this move worked once maybe it'll work again.

I then went to the back of the building's roof and ran to the other side and jumped.

For a minute I was soaring, then quickly began falling, but I send bolts of lightning torwards the giant robot.

I put one small dent, then heard Present Mic say: "2 minutes left!"

I sat on the building trying to scan all the way to the robot. I used both of my hands on tbe ground to go even quicker... and finally.... Got it!

I then teleported on it as I conducted all of the electricity I have in my body and sent a humongous shock wave to the robot.

I was stunned for a while not even believing that I did that!

Everything then went quiet, then the robot started to explode. NO NO NO NO!

I was about to teleport, but I had used most of my energy... I don't have much electricity left...

I jumped off the robot not even having a plan, and was gonna collide on the ground.

This is it! Goodbye cruel world... I couldn't even get to high school but I'm gonna die! When I die, nobody's getting my stuff.

Those were all of the thoughts in my mind at the moment.

Just then I feel something wet around my stomach... What is that?!

It's light pink and it pulls me to the ground.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed.

I fell to the floor but not as worse as I was going to prior to the magical pink rope.

"Oh sorry... You looked like you were gonna have a bad fall, so I had to do something."

I got up and the pink wet rope went into someone's mouth?!

"Thanks so much for the save right there!" I thanked happily.

"So um. I'm (Y/n) (L/n), it's nice to meet you!" I greeted awkwardly.

"It's nice to meet you (L/n)-chan. I'm Tsuyu Asui, but call me Tsu." She greeted.

"And... TIME!!!!" Present Mic had screamed very loudly.

"Oh well it was nice to meet you Tsu! Hey you wanna meet my other friends?" I asked eagerly.

"Sure why not?" She replied happily as we walked together.

"Hey guys!" I waved torwards my new friends.

Shocking! MHA x F!ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora