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You are at the beach with a few friends enjoying the sun after a long school year.

You spot Cody fern in the distance building a sand castle.

you take off your sunglasses to make sure it's Cody fern before walking over to him.

The breeze moves his luscious wavy hair as he proceeds to build his castle.

He looks up to you and then says "castle fern" while pointing toward the castle.

"Um right my names y/n can I have a photo with you?"

Cody then smacks the sand castle and gets up to face you.

"Sure whatever just make it quick" he says angrily.

When you take your phone out to position the right angle he takes the phone out of your hand and throws it into the ocean.

"What the fu"- you are cut off by cody screaming "TOO LATE TOO LATE TOO LATE".

You try to run back over to your friends but he grabs your shoulders and slams your body onto the sand.

You try to get out of his grip but he's too strong.

Before u can say anything he grabs a handful of sand.

"Please no" you say but it's too late.

He tries to shove the sand in your mouth but you try to keep your lips sealed shut.

Then he gets angry and shoves the sand into his mouth and gets up and dives into the ocean even though he just lands on the sand because it's the shore.

You run back over to your friends to tell them what happened and when you look back Cody is gone.

You realize that you brought your bag with you when u went to take a photo with him so u walk back over to that area.

When u find your bag u look down at the sand to see an imprint of someone's body.

Cody buried himself in the sand.

Cody Fern ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now