Chapter 7: New Horizon

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Waking up was difficult. Opening your eyes was extremely hard for example, swollen from the extended heavy crying and mourning of your wasted chances. But there were two other people lying in your bed, cuddled together in the search for comfort and closeness and Hime was like always snoring, even when she claimed beforehand that she fixed that habit.

She lied, obviously.

Unlike the big child she portrayed to the world, Azari had taken the right side of the bed, while Hime was spread out on the right. They insisted to stay when all you wanted was to cry a little bit more in the safety of your bed, preventing you from dwelling in your self-misery.

You had a monstrous headache, a blocked nose, your whole face felt swollen to the point of uncomfortably stretching over your bones. Nevertheless a little smile flashed over your face as the warmth of your friends assured you.

They didn't hate you for what you did. They wouldn't abandon you over this, even felt sorry for you that you failed so miserably on keeping your emotions in check. Sure, there were things you still had to clear up, but all in all everything looked better than a few hours before.

Suddenly there was a hand over your eyes, gently stroking down over your nose and lips, trying to soothe you. "Ssh," Azari mumbled, "don't think so loud. I try to sleep here."

"Can't help it," you mumbled back, muffled by the hand lying over your mouth, "it's in my nature."

"Then it's in my nature to remind you I'm a night owl. Don't disturb my sleep before noon."


"Hm." Azari grumped wordlessly and threw another miffed glance through bleary eyes at you, before closing them again with a blissful sigh.

The danger of Hime waking up from her slumber was minimal, so climbing over her sprawled form was easier than risking Azari completely waking up and being grumpy over the whole day. And indeed the blonde didn't acknowledge your scrambling and careful rearranging of her limbs in the slightest. Peacefully she continued to snore slightly, her lips parted and showing off the crook between her front teeth.

On the way out, you threw one last glance over your shoulder and just in time watched how Azari raised her hand to arrange the blankets covering Hime anew, not satisfied with the tiny wrinkles your movements created.

What a sweet gesture. Caring about her so much... And yet, she sees no hope for herself... What makes the gesture bitter and hollow.

With a sudden dry throat, you sneaked into your dark kitchen and tried to be as silent as possible while preparing coffee and tea. Though the clanking of the porcelain must be disturbing enough for the black haired woman, who stumbled ten minutes into your preparations into the kitchen, on bare feet, a mesh shirt and too short leggings. Azari yawned widely, then scratched with slow fingers her head. "Are you making coffee?" she groaned lowly and unfocused eyes hushed around the room, not fixating on anything and squinting at the faint sunlight falling through the kitchen window.

As an answer you hummed and raised one of the cups you were just about to fill with the dark ambrosia.

"Wonderful." In your behind the screech of wood over tiles echoed in the kitchen, telling you your friend sank ungracefully into the chair. Finishing the coffee, you settled one cup right in front of the raven and tugged your own cup closer, all the while Azari dully stared into the depths of the porcelain. Then, after more minutes of empty staring, she finally took a sip and sighed contently out.

"You still remember how I like my coffee?" she asked weakly.

"Three sugar and only a hint of milk." you answered.

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