Fluffy Part 2

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Make sure to read fluffy
This isn't going to be a first date but a different story since I'm not good at writing dates sorry

Izuku:"hey mom thanks again for baby sitting izko on such short notice"

Inko:"it's not a problem dear now go you shouldn't leave your wife alone on your wedding anniversary"

Izuku:"right ill see you later and izko make sure you behave for grandma inko"

Izko:"ok daddy I will"

Izuku:"ok bye" *leaves*

Izko:"ok grandma lets get down to business"

Inko:*confused* "business"

Izko:"you told me you'd tell me about mommy and daddies first kiss"

Inko:"oh right let's get started"


Mina:"ochako earth to ochako anyone there" *waving her hand in front of her face*

Ochako:"uh what" *snapping out of her trance*

Mina:"still staring at Romeo Juliet" *gives her a wink*

Ochako:"I-I have no idea what you are talking about"

Mina:"I'm talking about how your always starting at toshinori like you want to do the dance with no pants with him"

Ochako:*becomes reder than a tomato* "w-what"

Mina:"come on just tell him already its getting really annoying being ignored"

Ochako:"I do not like toshinori like that don't be crazy" *trying to sound serious*

Mina:"really do I need to bring up what happened when you two got married"

Ochako:'not this again'


*ochako (in a dress) and izuku are currently holding hands in ochakos room with a tail around ochakos waist and foreheads touching*

Mina(age 4):"do you toshinori take ochako Uraraka to be your wife"

Izuku(age 5):"yes" *looking into her eyes loving*

Mina:"and do you Uraraka take izuku toshinori the son of the number one hero All Might to be your husband"

Ochako(age 4):"yes"

Mina:"great your married now"

Ochako:"i-is that it"

Mina:"I think so"

Izuku:"d-don't we have to kiss to make it official"

Mina:"oh ya that's right you may now kiss the bride"

Izuku:*gives ochako a quick peck on the lips*

Mina:"ew you two actually kissed" *both izuku and ochako blush*

Rey:*enters the room* "hey mina your mom's her- wait what's going on here"

Mina:*smile and pointing* "toshinori and uraraka got married"

Rey:"is that so well then I better tell inko" *takes pictures of them* "oh and mina your mom is here to pick you up"

Mina:"ok bye toshinori and uraraka see ya Monday"


Mina:"so what do you have to say about that"

Ochako:"we were 4"

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