Taiga: "W-Who (Y/n)?" He asked

(Y/n): "Me, (Y/n) is (Y/n)!" I said with a smile on my face.

Taiga: "Oh, that a bit confusing"

(Y/n): "O-Oh, does it annoyed you? (Y/n) sorry. It just a habit and people get annoyed with that." My face then drop and it kinda made me feel bad about myself.

Taiga: "O-Oh no, it not annoying at all! It quite...cute actually..." I quickly stop what I was doing and look at the red hair guy and he was looking away blushing, but not a hard as me.

(Y/n): "T-Thanks...ummm"

Taiga: "Taiga. Taiga Akatora."

(Y/n): "That a nice name, (Y/n) Goro. Nice to meet ya!"

Taiga: "Nice to meet you two." We both smile at each other and started hanging out thinking we had a unbreakable bond...or at least I thought.

In our 2nd year Taiga and I started to date and everything ok. I didn't tell Mr. Goro or Big Sis Yuri because of I fear what they might think. Regardless of all that Taiga and I was happy but that ended in our 3rd year. But...I don't want to think about it right now.

Author: Because I MIGHT make a chapter all about it.

Flashback over!

I was done singing and look at Yuri. When I did I saw Yuri crying!

(Y/n): "Y-Yuri?!" I ask her and when I did she just went hugging me very tight.

Yuri: "Oh my god, who hurt you?!"

Author: That my question to every anime villains I see.

(Y/n): "Y-Yuri...You choking..." Big sis is strong, much stronger than Yoichi.

Yuri: "Sorry!" She left me go and I can finally breath. I was almost close to the light. "So (Y/n), how do you feel?"

(Y/n): "(Y/n) feel....much better." I really do feel better but only a little.

Yuri: "See, it always best to express your feelings rather then keeping it bottle up. By the way I have a special surprise for you."

Yuri then went digging in her pants and what came out is a

Yuri: "TADA! A MUSIC BADGE JUST FOR YOU!!" Yuri then handed me the badge and I did a quick look at it. In the center of the badge there was a large music notes that was (color) like my scarf. There was instrument all around it like a guitar, violin, flute and etc.

(Y/n): "Thanks, Yuri. (Y/n) really appreciate it."

Yuri: "No need for thanks, you earn it. Anyway I'm gonna go ahead and swim for a bit, want to join?"

(Y/n): "Sure, but in a few. (Y/n) just want to say here for a bit."

Yuri: "Well take your time. I'll be over there with the boys"

Yuri then walk away and I felt like she going to do more than just swim with the boys...maybe think of a new Yaoi Fanfic or something.

I was alone now, looking at the calm ocean and I can finally calm down and clear my mind...

???: "Hey....(Y/n)..." nevermind...

I turn around and it was someone I was hoping not to see right now....Taiga and still wearing his...thing.

(Y/n): "Taiga?" What could he want?

Taiga: "I have a question I want to ask you, but...you might like it."

(Y/n): "S-Sure..." It just a question (Y/n) no need to flip on him for talking to you. Just give him an answer and you two will be done. What the worse could happen.

Taiga: "D-Do you want to get back together?"

(Y/n): "...........Excuse me?"

Author: This chapter was shorter than expected because I got in a fight with my father and I'm in a bad mood.

But in the next few chapters will be flashback on (Y/n) and Taiga relationship.

3 in total.

It be like this From the Beginning to the Middle and the end.

So I'll see ya, hopefully I'll be in a better mood by then.

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