Chapter 14: Outrageous Meddlers (1)

Start from the beginning

Seeing their own master give his acknowledgment, Zhan Huan and Li Yan proceeded to get the job done; moving each gift into the Sang house.

Sang Wan had already stated clearly that she and her husband would pay a visit to their house and had even pulled her late parents into it. Sang Pingliang and his wife could only watch silently from the sidelines.

Watching the countless number of wrapped gifts being moved into Sang Hong's house, Li Shi felt like the situation was extremely unbearable and forced a laugh. "Our niece is right, let's all go in, go in! Aiya, so many things to be moved. By the time they are all moved inside, the sun might have already set. Let us help out too!"

With that, she began walking towards the carriage.

"I dare not trouble Second Uncle Sang and Second Aunt Li to do such labor suited for the servants! Second Uncle Sang and Second Aunt Li, please return and rest. We'll head over to your house later to have tea!" Sang Wan smiled.

Li Shi stopped in her tracks and her back suddenly straightened. Even Sang Pingliang's eyes dimmed a little.

That's right, those people were nothing but servants. Being Sang Wan's aunt, her position was naturally higher than those servants. How could someone like her do the work of servants? In front of so many people, she had an image to keep! Regardless, Sang Wan had already promised to visit her. Surely, she would bring along a few gifts during the visit. Hmph, even if she were reluctant to do so and brought an insufficient number of gifts, asking for more from Sang Hong wasn't impossible! It'd just be a matter of course before the gifts ended up in their house anyway since they were the elders, but it would truly be regrettable if they did not get their hands on them.

"Hēhē, then we'll head back first. Do come over as soon as possible!" Though Li Shi was little unwilling, she retracted that unwillingness before saying sourly, "That sister-in-law of yours sure is irresponsible! I'm sure she knew that your homecoming is today, but she isn't around to welcome all of you! Aiyo, I think I've spoken too much. I hope that our new nephew-in-law doesn't take it to heart. She's a very self-centered person; barely a decent woman, that is!"

"Let's go in!" Sang Wan had no interest in going down the route of the conversation. Acting as if she had not heard her aunt, she gazed at Shi Fengju and gave him an apologetic look.

"I apologize on her behalf!" Sang Hong apologized as he followed them into the house. "Your sister-in-law was originally waiting at home to welcome all of you, but upon hearing from our next door neighbor, Da Hai, that the cow from the Li family was grazing on our crops, she hurriedly rushed out. Why don't all of you take a seat first? I'll call her back and have her prepare lunch!"

"Brother, you should take a seat too. Let Liu Ya do that instead! Presumably, Sister-in-law Fang might even be on her way back now!" As Sang Wan spoke, she glanced at Shi Fengju.

Catching her signal, Shi Fengju nodded and laughed. "It's still early. Sit down first; there's no need to hurry!"

Shi Fengju discreetly examined Sang Hong. After the incident just then, he was not surprised that a man such as Sang Hong was tasked with staying at home while his wife went out to handle matters. Such an honest person would never be able to conduct negotiations with others! Still, just what kind of role did his wife play in the family?

Thinking back to the confrontation between Sang Wan and her elders, she had been gentle with her words and her face always had a smile, but she fought until the end without taking a step back. What a way to imperceptibly confront others while maintaining her composure!

This family sure is interesting!

Sang Hong smiled and insisted no further. "Then please!" He gestured for Shi Fengju to have a seat. Nanny Xu coaxed the two children to play in the courtyard before serving tea to the guests. Sang Hong politely gestured to Shi Fengju. "My home is fairly simple with nothing interesting. I hope my brother-in-law won't mind."

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