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A glass of water was brought in front of her and she quickly looked up to the man.She gave him a smile and said a small 'thank you' before accepting it.She took a sip of it and sat back on the seat she was given.Her back aching from the piece of wall that had fallen on her.

After running for nearly all night,finding an abandoned car,and driving the rest of the way,Steve had guided them to one of his friends called Sam Wilson.A friendly man that was ready to take them in and give them as much hospitality as needed.

All the previous night's events kept swirling inside her mind.That man called Zola knew her actual last name even though he said her fake name in front of Steve and Natasha.Maybe he kept this information for later on.He was stalling them anyway so that they could be traced down and trapped inside there.A good way for assassination without a trace.

When they arrived at Sam's house she was given the shower to freshen up and had found a really big bruise near her knee,upper arm and probably her back as well along with two big scratches across her right cheek.The scratches did sting but her heart hurt more.She was scared the situation was worse than the last time she was on a mission.

Natasha,thankfully was awake again,and alright and so was Steve.The two of them getting comfortable around the house.Valerie was left alone with her thoughts or so she thought.

"So,"Sam began as he sat down on the couch across from her,rubbing his hands together.He was curious."Are you one of them?"he nodded his chin at the hallway.

"An assassin or a super soldier?"she asked.The man smiled as he looked down once and then back to her.Valerie smiled back as she shrugged one shoulder.

Her jacket was beaten and blackened from the explosion so Sam had placed it in his washing machine.One more thing he was willing to do happily.So she was left with her dark pants and black tank top."I'm myself,I guess."

"That sounds normal."said Sam as he leaned his back on the couch,crossing his legs,nodding.Valerie smiled as she let her glass of water on the table in front of her.

"I'm far from normal."she said quietly.Her head slightly turning to see if Steve or Natasha were coming in the living room with them anytime soon.Sam may have been a good person but the idea of opening up to someone now didn't seem appealing.Not after last night's events.

Sam gave her a confused look,but didn't put his question out which she was glad,but felt the need to explain herself.Maybe a little opening up wouldn't hurt."I don't know if I should consider myself one of them.They are the ones who have the superpowers.I just know things and cause trouble to my family."she smiled a sad smile.

"Not all heroes wear capes,that's what I know."Sam replied as he tapped a hand on his knee."Everyone has a gift and I'm pretty sure yours is special as well.I mean,mine kinda is.So why not yours."he shrugged while making a funny face.

Valerie titled her head on the side already regretting that she started to open up to him.It wasn't her fault that she made friends easily.He was Steve's friend any information he got from her she was sure he wouldn't use against her."I'm an archer.Bow and arrows are kinda my thing."she said quietly."You might as well know me with my hood on."she shrugged her bare shoulders once more.

Sam looked at the ceiling for a few seconds before his eyebrows raised slightly and his brown eyes turned to her."Hawkeye junior from two years ago."he said a smile breaking in his big lips.

"I prefer Hawkgirl."she gave him a small smile back."It wasn't the easiest time back then.But everyone have a way to manage things I guess."she sighed softly her shoulders aching slightly.Sam did appear curious about her again,it was written all over him.Maybe getting to know someone else wouldn't be bad.Steve knew and trusted him so why not her."I'm deaf."

Hawkgirl #2 (Sequel to Arrow)Where stories live. Discover now