21:Hanging out with Chie, Nanako and Yukiko

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Jackson's P.O.V

Friday the 20th

Another day of school. As usual the day went by real fast and I found myself at the Samegawa riverbank hanging out with Chie.

"Allllright! Today's the day!" Chie's euthusiastic today.

I then took off my school jacket and placed it on the nearby bench. As I was about to continue my training with Chie. Nanako spotted us and made her way to us.

"What are you doing?" Nanako asked us.

"Training." Chie and I responded.

"Training. Who are you fighting with?" She asked.

"Hmmmm... myself... I guess...? Heheh, just kidding!" Chie seemed a little embarrassed.

"Wow, cool!" Nanako said with glee in her eyes.

"Y-You think...? Hahaha..." Chie said, relieved.

"Oh, a grasshopper." Nanako pointed out.

"Huh!? N-No way! Wh-Where!?" Chie asked kinda losing her cool.

"Chie, whatever you do, don't freak out, alright? But the grasshopper--"

"It just landed on your back." Nanako told her.

At that moment Chie lost it, like really lost it. She was running around as if she was manic and screaming as if she was in labour.

"Get it off! Get it off me!" She screamed, luckily there wasn't anyone nearby watching.

"Would you stay still and stop freaking out! It's just a damn bug!" I yelled trying to catch her while Nanako followed.

Timeskip(Twenty minutes later)😁😁😏🙄

I finally caught Chie and Nanako took off the grasshopper from Chie's back.

"You don't like grasshopper?" Nanako asked.

"I'm no good with anything with thin, jointed legs! Or anything creepy or squirmy!" Chie screamed still in panic.

"Hey, easy there. Chill out it's gone. Just sit down on the bench while I get us some water." I told her then Nanako helped her on the bench.

"Ack, now I can't get 'em out of my mind! I can't stand those things!" She said.

"I can't believe some people eat those things." I said in disgust.

(A/N: Nothing against those who actually eat those things. If you do that's your taste. Still I respect and love y'all.)

"Gross! You're making it worse! I think I'm gonna throw up!" Chie began gagging a little.

"But they're so cute." Nanako pointed out.

"You're like Yukiko. Yukiko's fine around bugs. But me I totally lose it." Chie stated.

"Facts. I mean it took about twenty damn minutes just to catch you. You gave me a run for my money." I told her, handing her and Nanako two bottles of water then sat next to her.

"Thanks." She then took a sip of the water and looked down in embarrassment.

"Kinda funny, huh?" She asked.

"Hmmmm, yep it sure was funny." I told her and that made her even more embarrassed.

"Sorry I sometimes say stuff without thinking. Look Chie, even strong people have fears. Some are afraid of failing, some are afraid of dying, some are afraid of their enemies and some are afraid of bugs just like you. Fear is just a challenge we all have to surpass. I believe you can surpass this. Now promise me if you see another bug you won't run like a coward." I told her.

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