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To @shawnmendes:

Hey Shawn! How's tour? I know you'll never see this but it never hurts to try. I mean never in a million years did I think you'd follow me and here we are.

Scar. I do notice. I've been noticing your tweets for ages. I also know that you've been following me since the beginning before I got to this point in my career. Of course I followed you. It was about time too. I'm sorry for a long message but I've been trying to think of a way to repay you for all that you do for me and my career. And how you make it so fun and bringing all the fans together.

You're too sweet Shawn. I don't want to take all the credit though. I've had help from loads of other fans and I mean it's always been a pleasure. I can't believe you've noticed me for that long. It's been literally almost six years! I love how you've made so much progress since then and you've changed for the better.

I notice everything Scar. It may seem like I don't because I get so many messages a day but I do notice.

Thanks. Love you. Don't forget that.

Love you too Scar. Mean it.

Roses 🌹(dms with SM)Where stories live. Discover now