The public transport and its things

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Hey I'm Germán and i bet you a spoon that the glass on your window is transparent. And I didn't shave. 

This week I want to talk about a topic that has unhinged us more than once. Before, I once lived in a town called Los Vilos. It was so small that if you walked straight for more than 10 minutes you crossed it all. But now, living in a big city with more than 7 million people, changes completely the panorama. At the start of the day, at like 6-7 of the morning, To try to take a metro or a micro is a feat. The confusing part of this is that once you arrive to the stop, everyone is very kind.

EM Excuse me, how long ago did the last one pass?

About 10 minutes so it should be passing in some time.

Also, Which one should I take to reach San Pablo?

This one, you take the 428 and it leaves you right there.

Oh okay thanks. 

But when the micro arrives, its something else.

Oh there comes the micro, Its almost full...

*Punches and shoots with gun* *laughs* -Idiot-

Okay that was a little exaggerated but that's almost how it happens. Taking it at the 6 of the afternoon, when everybody returns home from work, its even harder than in the morning. Once you are already in, it sums up some.. other negative factors. You're in the micro, minding your own business when suddenly:

*sniffs* *smells own armpit* *smells other armpit* *makes face this-guy-didn't-took-a-shower-its-killing-me*

Okay, This people where working all day, or studying all day, so its not so weird. But when people are in this situation they don't normally notice. Or at least they don't care, because they have absolutely no problem to hold the iron that's above. Practically killing the man beside him. 

Another big problem is where you are seated. If you have the luck to find a seat, you have two options, sitting on the seat on the side of the window, which is great, or sitting on the seat on the side of the hall, which is not so great.


Because when you are in the micro, which is filled with people, when you are in the seat on the side of the hall you are a little bit... exposed. Lets say you are in a height a little bit uncomfortable.

Something else peculiar about this is that people because of the music, forget that they are in a public space. Actually, this people think they are in a rock concert or something like it. I personally, find them on 3 levels, depending on the level of their excitement.

1. moderated passionate. A moderated passionate lets go with the music, although he is still very conscious that he is in a micro. They are characterized for humming or set the pace with their foot.

2. passionate without shame. A passionate without shame, as his name says, is conscious he is in a micro but is not afraid to pass shame, and expresses a little bit more than level 1.

3. Rock-star. in imagination-land. This guy swears that he is in a rock concert with more than 30 thousand people. And the funniest part is that in his imagination he plays everything. 

QUESTION: More unlike, in what level are you?

I personally am in between level 1 or 2 depending on my mood.


Dear youtuvident this was this weeks video. I made another channel for videos that wont fit very well on this one, with bloopers and that type of stuff. Its called HolaSoyGerman2, yes im not very original on usernames.

Psychological hug and ill see you all next Saturday.


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