"At least let me get used to having one little one first, dude," Beca chuckled.

"Fair enough... How many do you plan on having?"

"I want four," Chloe answered.

"Four!" Beca choked.

"Ah huh."

"And who is going to give you them?"

"Don't be silly, Becs! You!"

"Me! Do you think I can pull off four kids?"

"Of course you can. You'll be the best mama ever."

"Gee... I might need to prep myself for that."

"What, do you have to get the boys ready?" Chloe teased.

"Oh, yeah," Beca played. "Gotta make sure my boys are in working order for that. I've gotta produce four healthy kids. Gotta get my best fighters prepped and ready to go."

Chloe laughed at her wife and gave her a chaste kiss before they heard the announcer begin the ceremony.

"Oh! That's us!" Chloe beamed as she got into position in front of her fellow bridesmaids while Beca stood in front of hers.

"Ready, Aims?" Beca checked.

"Ready. Are you?"


The announcer called out Aubrey's bridesmaids first to which Chloe walked out with the bridesmaids following behind her. Beca was then called out as she led Stacie's bridesmaids onto the platform. The women stood in their positions as they waited for the bridal music to begin and the first down the aisle was Stacie and she looked immaculate. She looked more beautiful than any modelling agency could have made her. She was wearing a pale pink dress which matched her rosy cheeks perfectly. Her hair was down and in perfect waves and her makeup had no flaw. She looked stunning and everyone was shocked by just how beautiful Stacie was.

Stacie reached the altar and parted from her mother who walked her down the aisle. The mother held back her tears as she took her seat next to Stacie's father.

"Is that you, Legs?" Fat Amy uttered to the model.

"Yes," Stacie giggled.

"You look amazing!"

"You're on fire, girl!" Cynthia-Rose stated.

"Really beautiful, Stacie," Beca said.

"Thank you, ladies. You all look amazing." Stacie turned her gaze down the aisle where she waited for Aubrey to appear.

The model was all kinds of nervous and excited. This was the biggest day of her life and she had waited so long for it. Stacie thought about marrying Aubrey years ago and now that it was actually happening, Stacie couldn't believe it. It was her dream come true. Not her modelling career, not her fame, her fortune, her home - none of that mattered. None of it was important. Aubrey was the only one that Stacie valued the most and now she was going to make the blonde her wife.

Stacie took a deep breath then heard the bridal music begin to play for the second time. Everyone stood once more and all eyes were on Aubrey who was led down the aisle by her mother. Stacie's breath caught in her throat and tears immediately filled her eyes. Aubrey was in a very pale blue dress with her hair up in a bun with perfectly curled tendrils shaping her face. She looked beautiful and Stacie had to bite on her tongue to stop herself from crying. Everyone was taken aback by Aubrey's beauty. Even Beca was shocked. She never knew that her old Math teacher could look so good.

Aubrey reached the altar and took Stacie's hand, allowing the women to stand in front of each other and take in the other's beauty. They squeezed each other's hands before the priest began to talk. The women didn't really pay attention to what was being said since they were too busy looking at each other and smiling, still having trouble believing that their special day had finally arrived.

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