xii) Subfocatio

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'I'm sorry if I've interrupted anything, but it's time for Kennedy-san's checkup.' The nurse announced.


Hadn't they already done that before? Albeit briefly without the usual physical checks they usually did for ICU patients?

However it appeared there was no argument from the mummified man, who simply nodded, and the nurse who'd been at standby the whole time proceeded to wheel him out of the room.

'Please consider allowing your daughter to attend Yuuei, Kennedy-san.' Aizawa addressed Kali softly, who'd looked up at the mention of her name. 'At the very least, we have Recovery Girl on site at all times. If your daughter happens to suffer a turn, she can fix her right up.'

Kali said nothing, but from the way her hands clenched over the pages in her hand, she really hadn't needed to.

Then, with a parting remark that somebody will be in by the next evening to get an answer, Zinnia, Kirishima and Kali were left alone in the room, with an awkward bite to the air as the nurse at the door entered along with a doctor.

'Umm, I should go see how Kaminari's going...' Kirishima hedged as he stood up from his seat. 'He seems to get bored easily, and he has been sitting there for a couple hours now.'

For some strange reason, Zinnia found herself imagining the blond lying sprawled across the floor groaning like a pitiful zombie, and she had almost cracked up in laughter; Good thing she didn't though, because she would immediately regret the bombardment of pain.


'I'll be back soon, okay?' Her friend reassured her as he left for the door. 'We have some get-well-soon gifts for you, after all.'

'Okay, Eiji.' Zinnia agreed.

Kirishima paused at the door briefly, surprise flashing across his face for a brief moment before he turned and cast her one of the brightest smiles she had ever seen him wear.

He took off quickly without another word, smile broadening across his face as he disappeared from sight.

'...That's a good friend you've made, Zinnia.' Kali's voice eventually spoke up through the silence, and she'd shifted back to the corner of the room as the doctor and nurse shuffled around checking charts and monitors.

'Yeah...' She responded.

Honestly, there wasn't anything else she could say.

She knew that.

The doctor set about checking her vitals, the receptivity of her arms and legs, among other things that weren't done with the checkup beforehand. Her injuries acquired from the villain attack were then wrapped with fresh bandages and her once-been mangled arm was carefully removed from its cast, since apparently, it had been tended to by the mystery healing lady while she was asleep.

Her condition was apparently known of by quite a number of doctors it appeared, as this was the fourth she had been tended to since she was admitted, however this time, the doctor was quite open to explaining in detail what had happened, the results of her surgery in better detail than Seiya, and unfortunately, explaining to Kali exactly what that worst-case scenario Seiya had glossed over really was.

It was predicted that Zinnia's surgeons had fixed up enough that quirk-treatment should fix the remaining problems with no issues, however the scarring she would develop once the dissolving stitches did their job was the problem she was going to face for the foreseeable future, provided their predictions were correct. The scarring of course was going to be much stiffer than the flesh that made up her heart, especially more so with the way her body naturally scarred up worse than most human's. It was expected that while her quick usage wouldn't ail too much when she was fully recovered, exactly, it was almost a given that she had to be much more careful; Too much pressure on an already horridly scarred up organ, and she could either rupture something, or trigger a cardiac arrest.

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