(1) The beginning of everything

Start from the beginning

He tossed his legs to the side of the bed. His eyes made contact with the wall clock.

It was 8am. He cursed silently under his breath. He was going to be late.

He made to stand up and was doing exactly that when he felt a hand on his arm.

His piercing eyes slowly moved up the hand to it's owner. 

"Good morning Haru." A woman, barely covered by the sheets laid beside him.

She was the woman he had met all those nights ago.

"Why are you still here?" There was no emotion in his voice.

The woman was  once again  reduced to a gaping idiot at the sound of his mesmerizing voice.

He had a deep tantalising voice. It was music to her ears.

"You should leave." He was cold as ice. She winced.

But she didn't budge. She was already used to his coldness.

She made a move on him, straddling him despite his attempt to ward her off.

He stared her down. His emotionless mask still on.

She leaned down,her lips making soft traces down his chest.

He was still watching her. He felt nothing for her just the mutual attraction and she knew.

She was probably still here for the sex.

No sane woman would stay in his bed after the first night. But of course most still did.

She was probably the only woman he's had for more than a night.

He glanced towards the clock. He was going to be really late.

He frowned.

"I thought I told you to leave." His voice was threatening.

Most would have left by now. He was no one to joke with and she knew it.

She shook her head, her lips trailing southward.

When she got right there he switched their position, pinning her to the bed.

"You really should have left Vera." He breath against her neck. She shivered. He was the master of seduction.

She wrapped her legs around his waist without hesitation.

He bit his lip from groaning out loud, since they were both still naked underneath the sheets.

He was going to make her regret it.

He eased into her. She moaned pulling him closer.

His eyes darkened. He smirked.

"You know the things I can do to you."  

He was agonizingly slow,taking his time.

He wanted her to beg. She was moaning uncontrollably craving more.

"You know what my father would do to you if he found you here."

His smirk widened when he felt her freeze. He knew

"I know you're his mistress." He hastened his speed.

Despite the tense atmosphere she managed a moan.

"Please don't......."She tried to say. He cuts in.

"Please don't tell or please don't stop." He said. He pounded her hard and fast.

"Both." She truthfully answered. Losing herself in the bliss his body provided. He smirked.

The fact that he had revealed her long guarded secret didn't seem to faze her as he pump himself inside her.

She couldn't think just feel.

She tightened around him telling him she was at her peak. He groaned increasing speed.

"Haru." she moaned, her toes curling and her nail digging into his back.

He groaned deeply before following her over the edge.

He quickly recovered from the ordeal, pulling out of her. She laid on the bed panting.

He sat at the edge of the bed. His back to her.

"Never disobey me again." He said simply. There was menace in his words, the threat behind it was as clear as day.

She nodded, suddenly afraid of the boy in front of her.

He went through all that just to prove a point.

If he knew about her affair with his father; what else did he know.

As if reading her mind he answered.

"I know you're the daughter of a very wealthy businessman."

"I know he disowned you and I know you're using my father."

"And you plan on using me too."

He turned his head slowly back to her.

"That's never going to happen."


A/N I hope you enjoy the story so far. Let me know what you think and don't forget to;

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Just give dat lil old star a nudge. I know you want to ;)!

<3! Taiwolove out. Peace!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2014 ⏰

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