Brainwashed Pt2

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Summary: When everyone see's that peter has a feral side and bit a couple avengers, he has to explain himself to the others.

No ones POV
When peter entered the med bay all eyes were on him and Bucky. "Peter, when did you get the fangs?" Tony asked. Peter ignored and pushed his head into Buckys arm. Bucky looked at the others and said, "Ill explain. So peter got his fangs when he was first bit by the spider but didn't use them. He only uses them in emergencies and this was one. He has spider urges and you will know when he acts more like a spider, he doesn't eat bugs i can tell that was one question you wanted to ask, Clint." Clint laughed and Bucky carried on. "When he does have urges his eyes will go red and im surprised none of you knew, he had always got fangs they are massive....he smiles a lot how did you not see them." Bucky finishes and turns to Peter and whispers to him.
"Питер, пожалуйста, поговори с ними" (Peter please talk to them) Tony, Steve and Clint looked confused but shrugged it off. Peter moved out from behind Bucky and walked towards the others. "So what do you wanna know?" "Peter when do you get these urges and do you become dangerous?" Bucky was behind Peter and nodded his head. All eyes widened when Bucky told them the answer. Peter smiled weakly and nodded towards Clint, "So peter, can you kill people with the venom in your teeth?"
Peter told them to wait for an answer. "Баки, что я хотел сказать, что я убил около 100 человек своим ядом"Clint replied "Peter what did you say? Friday what did he say?" He said "Bucky, what am i meant to say, i have killed 100 people with my venom."
"Thanks Friday." Worry filled Clints voice. "дерьмо" (shit) Peter laughs lightly and looks at Clint and says "So i have killed a couple of people." Tony screams "A COUPLE PEOPLE! PETER COME SONO 100 PERSONE UNA COPPIA. OMG PETER CHE CAZZO!"(PETER HOW IS 100 PEOPLE A COUPLE. OMG PETER WHAT THE FUCK!)
Peter shouted at Tony and said "MIND YO LANGUAGE!" Everyone laughs and smile. Bucky walks next to peter "So do you guys want to go upstairs?" They all say yes and they all go to the cinema room, along with all the other avengers. (Which is bruce, tony, steve, bucky, Clint and peter)
They all watch a film and mid film peters eyes went red. No one noticed that his eyes are red until he got up and went on the ceiling and stayed upside down on a web. He stayed up there and when he looked down everyone was looking at him, he narrowed his eyes and said "What?". Bruce and Tony looks at each other and when they look up tony says "Well, peter you have your urges now and your eyes are red also venom is dripping from your fangs." Peter hisses like a cat and hops down off the web then runs to the 70th floor, one that is empty and dark.
(don't ask me, i don't know why i just wanted an empty floor)

Peters POV
I ran to the 70th floor because thats the only dark place i like. When i got there it was so quiet and perfect. I went to my favourite room and went to sleep on a web hammock.
-Time skip a couple hours-
After a couple hours of sleeping i heard heartbeats in the hallways. I got off my web but stayed on the ceiling. I crawled out my room and went towards the noise. I found Steve and Tony walking down the halls, they were holding shining the hallway brighter with torches and looking around frantically, i hate the light. I hiss and their heads whip around and they look down a empty hallway. "What was that noise?" Steve says to himself. (666 words). Tony shivered and whispered "He's here, he's probably watching us." They move closer and walk slowly down the hallway more.
Sir Bucky, Clint and Bruce are asking where you guys are.Should i tell them?
Fridays voice echoed through the halls and made me flinch and fall to the floor. "Tell them that me and steve need help finding Pete, tell them to be quiet." Tony said. After a while i see Bucky and Clint walk out the elevator. I run down the hallway in the opposite way and after a while they see my eyes. "PETER!" They run after me and corner me "что ты хочешь, пожалуйста, отпусти меня. Я не буду делать это снова..пожалуйста" (what do you want, please let me go...i wont do it again).

No ones POV
They both look confused and Clint puts his hand on peters shoulder and hugs him. Peter softens and relaxes into the hug,while peter and Clint were sitting with each other Bucky went to go get the others. When they return they see Clint and peter hugging. Tony walked over to peter with steve and sat with them. "Hey Pete, Bucky told me what you said. What was that about?" Peter looked at them all then looked at Bucky and said "Можете ли вы повторить то, что я говорю. Я не хочу говорить по-английски" (Can you repeat what i say. I don't wanna talk english). Bucky nods and looks at the others. "Guys im gonna translate what Pete says because he's not in the mood to talk.Pete tell us."
"Когда вы спрашивали о том, сколько я убил, я был раздражен и хотел уйти, и, кроме того, мои позывы пришли, и мне пришлось уйти, прежде чем я кого-то обидел"
"Peter said that, When you were asking about how many people peter has killed he got annoyed and wanted to leave and on top of that his urges came and he had to leave before he hurt someone." They all smile and walk to peter, "lets go upstairs and go to sleep" Bucky says. Peter looks at Bucky and quietly says, "могу я переспать с тобой?" (can i sleep with you?) Bucky smiles and nods, he replies so only peter can hear "Yea you can. I know you get nightmares." Peter holds on to Bucky as they all walk upstairs, Bucky led peter to his room and put peter on the bed. (THIS IS NOT A SHIP, DONT GET DIRTY THOUGHTS).
Bucky lays next to peter and they go to sleep. While they were sleeping Tony and Clint opened the door and laughed, they took pictures and left them. The next morning they got showed the images and they gave them dirty looks. They all ate breakfast and carried on their day.

Well thats finished, this was a long one.Hope you enjoyed. Please leave requests.
Bye peasants.


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