Every day is the same, with little to no variation. Your meals are simple and the work you do is repetitive, looking for patterns. You suspect - you know - Acxa was pulling strings for you.

If you work slowly or don't complete something, you don't receive any physical punishments. Just verbal threats that are never acted on.

You feel bad that you are an exception to their harsh behavior, but you don't get to interact with any other prisoners. You don't know anything about their whereabouts or the work they do, but you wish you could do something for them. Your job is to track down Lotor and Voltron and any associated parties.

You're sure someone is monitoring your screen, so you try and throw in as many red herrings as possible, circling places you're sure Voltron isn't.

No one speaks to you.

You keep working.

Acxa is at your door again. This time, she steps inside and lets the door shut behind her. "I know what you're doing," she says.

"Oh?" You tilt your head back to look at her. "You know I'm doing the work you told me to? How interesting."

"Don't act innocent, Y/n," she groans and rubs her forehead.

You scoff. "Don't talk to me about faking innocence. You're the one ruining thousands of lives."

"That's not what Lotor is going to do! He just has to take over and unite the empire. We are going to be saving lives."

You bite your lip, frustrated. She's told you this before, but you always refuse to listen to it. "You're just trying to justify your actions."

"It's called surviving. One day, we'll be living peacefully, and you'll see that I was only trying to do what's best for you," she tries to reason with you, placing her hand on your shoulder.

You move to slap it off, but hesitate. You guys were close, so close before. You quietly mumble, "What you think is best for me."

The feeling of her hand disappears. "We'll get out of here one day," she promises. The door opens and she's gone. You're resealed in darkness.

You lean back in your chair.

One day.

Your door opens. Two sentries walk in.

You stand up, backing away. "What's going on?"

They don't respond, each grabbing one of your arms.

No answer. Surely, that means death. Nothing good ever comes from silence.

No way will you let them take you. You thrash around. "Get off of me!"

Your bracelets activate, and you hold a scream in your throat as your body goes limp. They begin to drag you out of the room.

The halls seem darker.

Were they always this dark?

You're tired.

Sleep seems nice.

Your eyes close.

"Y/n, can you hear me?"

Acxa's leaning over you, looking worried. She's not in her armor, and there's a bed beneath you. Strange.

"Unfortunately, yes." You stare up at her, too tired to come up with any other insults.

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