Pregancy Updates and Birth💗

Start from the beginning

My little Princesses 💗💗

Gia - "With Grayson"
Gia - "Mom"
Mom - "Yeah"
Gia - "Thank you for all your support and love"
Mom - "Aweee Gia I'll always be here for you" Lucas - "Wait what's there names"
Gia - "You didn't check Insta?"
Addison - "He hasn't been on his phone all day"
Lucas - "I've just been too excited"
Gia - "Aweee"
Grayson - "No Fortnite?" He says laughing
Lucas - "None"
Gia - "Wow Lucas"
Lucas - "Well, What's their names?"
Gia- "Ella Gray Like Gray-son"
Gia - "And then Emma Rose like Gia Rose
(her middle name)"
Mom - "Aweeee that's cute"


24 Hours of No Fortnite for You Cuties 💗 Uncle Lucas LOVES YOU

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24 Hours of No Fortnite for You Cuties 💗 Uncle Lucas LOVES YOU


Grayson - "I'm gonna go to Chick - Fil -A who wants to come"
Addison - "Me, I'm starving"
Mom - "I'll gotta go home I have like P- paperwork to do"
Gia - "Ok Mom Love ya"
Mom - "I'm soo proud of my baby" she says walking out
Grayson - "Lucas"
Lucas - "I'll stay"
Addison - "Kk Byeeee" She says as they walk out
Lucas - "Gia"
Gia - "Yeah"
Lucas - "Your gonna be an amazing Mom"
Gia - "You are literally the cutest" I say laughing
Gia - "Your gonna be an amazing uncle"
Ethan - "Ummm What about me?"
Lucas - "Aye Ethan, I'm already the best"
Ethan - "Ohhh really"
Ethan - "Did you post on Insta?"
Lucas - "Yeah"
Ethan - "When"
Lucas - "3 hours ago"
Ethan - "Well I posted 30 minutes ago"
Lucas - "Did you not play Fortnite for 24 hours because you were so excited"
Ethan - "Ummm...Maybe"
Lucas - "THATS A NO, BITCH" he says laughing
Gia - "Could you guys like not" I say laughing Lucas - "Well I'm the BEST of the BEST"

After an hour of Lucas and Ethan fighting they came back

Addison - "We're back bitches"
Grayson - "Hey Baby" he says walking over to kiss me
Gia - "Hi"
Ethan - "Daddyyy Grayyyy" he says
Grayson - "Shut up"
Grayson - "Hi Ella, Hi Emma" he says
kissing their foreheads
Lucas - "Just to make it clear I AM the best Uncle"
Ethan - "Lucas, shut upppp" he says laughing
Gia - "Please don't start again"
Lucas - "Your Just JEALOUS"
Grayson - "What is going on?"
Lucas - "Ethan thinks he's the better Uncle when CLEARLY I AM"
Grayson - "Ethan, your fighting a 14 year old" Lucas - "What's that supposed to mean" he
say laughing
Grayson - "Nevermind"
Ethan - "Ohhh and By the way Mom says
she's coming tomorrow"
Grayson - "Well we are leaving tomorrow
Ethan - "Well I'll tell her"
Ethan - "I gotta go now"
Gia - "Bye Gia, Bye Ella and Emma your favorite uncle is leaving" he says walking out
Lucas - "Fuckkk offff"
Gia - "You guys wanna go home?"
Addison - "I don't care"
Gia - "Lucas?"
Lucas - "I'm staying"
Gia - "Ok"



Happy For Ya, Aunt Addy 🤣

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Happy For Ya, Aunt Addy 🤣

Gia - "Who's that?"
Addison - "Ummm...Nob-"
Lucas - "Alex Summers"
Addison - "LUCAS"
Gia - "He's cute"
Grayson - "w-wit w-who's cute" he says waking up
Gia - "Nobody
Grayson - "You better be talking about me"
Grayson - "Or my baby girls"
Gia - "Yeah, we were DEFINITELY talking about you" I say sarcastically
Grayson - "Don't lie"
Lucas - "We are talking about Alex"
Grayson - "Who the Fuck is Alex?" He says getting up
Lucas - "Addison's Secret Boyfriend"
Addison - "Fuck you Lucas"
Addison - "I'm never telling you anything again"
Grayson - "How old is this 'Alex' kid" he says laying back down
Lucas - "14"

Addison and Lucas fell asleep

Grayson - "shit" he says whispering to himself Gia - "What's wrong baby" I say scratching the back of his neck
Grayson - "Ohh sorry I didn't mean to wake you up"
Gia - "I wasn't sleeping anyway"
Gia - "What wrong Gray"
Grayson - "Alex"
Gia - "Yeah" I say laughing
Grayson - "Don't laugh I'm being serious"
Gia - "M'kay baby I won't laugh"
Grayson - "He's gonna steel you"
Gia - "Grayson he's 14"
Grayson - "That doesn't mean anything"
Gia - "Look baby, I love you sooo much. You gave me my biggest wish, 2 little princesses. And Fuck Alex"
Grayson - "Gia I-"
Gia - "Grayson Wait the only person I wanna fuck is you not Alex" I say laughing

Teen Mom G.D book 2 my version💗👨‍👩‍👧‍👧Where stories live. Discover now