-its time-

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im sick of being pregnant we are a few days after out due date im hoping our babys will come soon me and billie didnt want to find out the gender yet we want it to be a surprise also forgot to mention we are having twins which was totally unexpected we haven't really thought of names yet but we have a few in mind.

''morning baby'' billie says rolling over and putting her arm over me while i scroll through instagram

''morning bil'' i say in a slight sigh

''whats wrong y/n?''

''i just want the babys out of me i cant take it anymore''

''i know baby but lets hope it happens today its all worth it in the end'' billie says kissing my forehead and getting out of bed

''i guess so also dont forget you have to go to the studio today to work on a few songs''

''oh shit yeah thank you baby i love you text me if anything happens'' billie says walking to my side of the bed giving me a short but passionate kiss 

''love you too and i will bye babe'' i say waving at her walking out of the room

i hate when she has to leave i dont like being here alone anymore but the babys will be here soon and i cant wait to not be pregnant anymore!

--- 2 hours later

i have done a bit of cleaning here and there and packing a bag for the hospital and have two white matching outfits as we dont know the genders yet as i put the bag by the front door i can start to feel bad pains making me have to sit down i walk over to the armchair and take a few deep breathes in and on my last breathe in i feel a warm liquid run down my leg.

i need to call billie...

-billies pov-

''ok so i was thinking maybe having this line in the song'' i say showing finn the lyrics i had written down in my book

''yes thats sounds good ok take it from the top''

i go to start singing then hearing my phone ring it was y/n

''wait a sec finn y/ns calling me it could be important

(y/n in bold)

''hey babe whats up?''

''there coming billie it hurts please come now''

''ok ok ok stay put im coming right now ok baby just take a few deep breathes in''

i hear her  in hale and exhale a couple times while i tell finn whats happening and getting my things 

''im on my way i love you y/n''

''ok bil hurry i love you too'' she says hanging up

''i will meet you at the hospital bil i will tell mum and dad''

''ok thank you finn'' i say running out and towards the car

---couple minutes late

''BABE'' i shout in to the house 

''ahh in here bil'' i hear her say coming from the living room

''come on y/n hold onto me we need to get you to the hospital'' she holds onto me and i grab the bag on the way past and guide her towards the car and help her in

''its gonna be ok babygirl you got this'' i say reversing out the car park and in the direction of the hospital 

y/n grips on to my shoulder which hurt but she was in pain so i let her we got to the hospital i get out the car running to her side grabbing the bag and helping her out making her put her wait on me 

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